Herding Cats for COT

Big crowd mulling around outside the gates. One FNG – disclaimer given. Pledge and we are off.

Mosey through some parking lots followed by a few traditional warm up exercises.

Head to the lot near the shelters for some pickle partner lunge, run, HRM circuits

Shelter for 11’s with Dips and Irkins

Crimson suggests heading to powerline hill to find Chewie and Bootlegger

Run to crosswalk doing 3,6,9, 12…24 monkey humpers at each lightpole

Powerline hill for triple nickels of squats and star jumps – no sign of Chewie or Bootlegger

Mary at COT parking lot


If you didn’t get the Carpex newsletter, message Shut In

Haven House fund raisers

Odyssey Oct 24 from FOD. Qs needed

Prayers and Praises

Sooey’s brother and marriages

WWW FIL passed away and the challenges of covid


Wrapping up COT was a cluster finish as 3 of the pax went searching for the IR walkers and got back about 5 minutes after initial count-a-rama with the missing walkers, some ruckers and a dog. Shut In was no help on how to proceed

So the Haven House fund raisers wasn’t technically announced, but figured I would mention here for the 3 or 4 readers of this BB.

First day I have seen Pax in long sleeves in a while. Henny Penny sleeveless of course

Thanks to Braveheart who scribed the pax names on the way home so I wouldn’t forget them.

Apologies for not getting enough personal info from Colton before we named in Suck Up. It was just too perfect as he gushed about how nice all of us were.  

Shoulder definitely getting better. But secretly hoping it never gets well enough for burpees

Always an honor and privilege to lead

See also