Hemlock Bluffs Blair Witch

Several for extra credit, and 20 were there for the main event. No respects. We ran down the trail past the SWW turn and then crossed the creek into the woods and onto the Hemlock Bluffs trail. We ran all the trails in Hemlock Bluffs (well, almost all). Then we ran home. We did some push ups and squats and things along the way while waiting for the 6 to catch up. It was a little spooky and dark at times, several pax likened it to the Blair Witch project. I think Wild Turkey was most afraid, I don’t think he knows Hermes that well yet.

Oofta provided trunk coffee. Y-guides outings were the talk of many Pax.

COT - 20, no respects, no hates, all meh.
Announcements: -None
Prayer Requests - Hot Spot’s work, Wild Turkey’s daughter with COVID-19 in college, Hope Community Church’s efforts to start virtual learning centers.
YHC Took us out.

This worked better than I had planned. My shoes were dryer and cleaner than anticipated. Where will we go next?

See also