Helping out your GBB!

Love me some Dante’s Peak! Great group of guys there this amazing morning! It’s the 21st day of my man Flacco’s Murph-a-day in May – wondering how I can help him knock that out and keep it fun for all… here’s what went down…. Smithers brought FNG, we did the mission, bit of a disclosure and then the pledge. Warm-up – moseyed up the hill and down the locked up entrance to the basketball court – good morning, windmill, hillbilly, shoulder stuff, merkin, mtn climber, etc.

We moseyed back to the turf fields pointing out point A & B along the way….. partner up with someone you may not know too well – that’s you Get Better Buddy for the day. Challenge each other, support each other & let’s go! Partner 1 leads first, 10 merkins at point A, run to railings for 5 pull-ups from OZ, then run to point B for 15 squats. Partner 2 leads the return trip – same exercises & stops. Each partner leads 10 times. We then moseyed a bit & did the fan-favorite “plank you very much”. Head back to the flag (sprinters were on fire) for a bit of Mary & Have a Nice Day!

CoT: 17, FNG did a nice job & earned his MasterKey name – hope to see him more!

Announcements: big weekend for service: chain gang, Carying Place, Food Bank, etc.

P/P: Smithers & brother working together & friction, my mom hospitalized last night, prayers for our GBB’s, huge overall gratitude for F3!

NMS: bummer that this AO is so far away for me – love the park and great men there! Make it a great weekend!

See also