Hell Squats @ Dante's Peak

30 Nov 2018 QIC: Parker PAX: Ashbury, Blueprint, Bogo, Earhart, Frisco, Goose, Hot Spot, Ma Bell, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley, Monkey Nut, Parker, Squatter, Theismann, Trike

15 PAX gathered in the seasonably pleasant gloom at Dante’s for YHCs first Q in a few months.  After Water Wings stood me up for the EC run in, I was ready to talk to somebody.  And talk, did they ever.

0545 sharp, Disclaimer, then mosey down to the cul-de-sac for Warmup

20 SSH 10 merkins in cadence 20 SSH 10 merkins IC (insert mumblechatter about showing off for the Nantan) 10-count calf-stretch R&L (insert mumblechatter about showing off for HotSpot) 6-count slow windmill IC 6-count slow good morning IC (insert pleasant mumblechatter about there being something for everybody) 10 merkins IC recover on the mosey to the basketball court

THANG 1: Hell Squats for Dayz YHC had the PAX count off 1&2 on the way in to the court, but realized that it wasn’t needed. 15 is a good number, and we would have the pleasure of doing Thang 1 all together.

5 sets of high intensity (no breaks) circuit work, each to consist of 2 exercises called by the QIC, then a bear crawl to the far end of the court, then a backwards run back, then a 10-count BTTW. Immediately into the next set.

Set 1: 20 Hell Squats IC, 10 cadence-count burpees (then bear crawl, backwards run, BTTW) Set 2: 15 Hell Squats IC, 15 merkins IC (repeat bear crawl backwards run, BTTW) Set 3: 13 Hell Squats IC, 15 diamond merkins OMD (repeat bear crawl backwards run, BTTW) Set 4: 12 Hell Squats IC, 10 cadence-count burpees* (repeat bear crawl backwards run, BTTW) Set 5: 15 Hell Squats IC, 15 merkins IC (repeat bear crawl backwards run, BTTW) Recover. (*at this point, I really thought that Frisco would have shut the hell up. But his mumblechatter knows no bounds)

THANG 2: Partner-7s YHC plan was to go to the hill up on Apex BBQ for the partner 7s. But one of two things happened. Either the QIC was looking out for the safety of the PAX because it was dark and that sidewalk is narrow, OR… his legs were smoked and he was not sure he could actually Q what he had planned next if a hill was also involved. You decide. Either way, audible mosey to the soccer field.

Line up on the end line, the exercise is 7s with your partner, bro-pees on the far end, partner merkins on the close end. The catch: Partner carry down, backwards run back.

MARY 51 LBC IC. Squatter 100s, led by the man himself.

COT Dec 13 Christmas party. Bring your gifts for Sweet Tooth to the site Q or paypal to Parker for purchase this weekend. Dec 1 clown car to F3 JOCO. Prayers/Praises for new job situations, health and healing during the holidays.

NMS YHC has not Q’d in a while, and its been even longer since I wrote a backblast. Sorry Shutty. I’ll do better in 2019.

I thought Thang 2 would be sufficient to decrease the MC a bit, but I tell you fellas the MC effort was STRONG in the gloom this am. Impressive 2nd F mixed in with 1st F.

I thought it was fitting to hear the interview with HiLiter during Hello Kitty’s new “Pick Up The Six” podcast this morning (Have you heard that podcast? Kitty is the MAN!). HiLiter said he always tries to think of the toughest workout possible, because it leaves the PAX feeling like they accomplished something great in the morning. I think he got that from CK. It is totally true, and I thought the same when I planned today’s beatdown. YHC hoped it would be tough, and I think I hit the mark. But you know what? None of that matters if the PAX don’t show up and give it everything they have. Today was a great example of that.

Proud to be able to lead you men this morning. YHC out.

See also