Hell's Bell's in the Field

  • When: February 27th, 2018
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX: Franklin, PBX, Beaker, Bogo, Sooey, Moped, Pivot, Chum, Airbag, Sabin, Skyblue, Goose, High-liter, Biner (RS), Bartman (RS), Katniss (RS) YHC Earhart

I head to an old stomping ground for my next Q, this time bringing with me an assortment of kettlebells for a Hell’s Bell’s beatdown at FOD!  I also notice that Rolling Stone is here with me so all kinds of weight pain are going around this fine morning.  16 HIM gather, 3 with their ruck’s on, we head out around the parking lot to get the blood going then circle up for:

Warm Up

Good mornings

Overhead Claps

Cotton Pickers

Sir Fazio Arm Thingies

The Thang

Done with the warm-up, we head back to the shelter next to the baseball fields.  YHC had deposited the bells evenly amongst the tables with two weights on the path and an exercise ball on the other end.  We pair up at each station with two of the HIM is going to farmer carry the two weights down the path while the rest of the HIM perform the first round (all done OYO):

Nut-cracker squats



Goblet Squats

Tri-cep Extensions

Lawn Mowers

Weight ball-toss

We rotate positions and exercises once the farmer carry returns until everyone has had a turn with the farmer carry.   We then mosey around the parking lot and back to our stations.  With everyone back at the shelter we start round two:

Kettlebell swings

Lawn Mowers


Overhead Presses

Nut cracker squats

Weight ball-toss

Once the farmer carry is done, we mosey once more around the parking lot and back to the shelter for the final round of upper body workouts:



Goblet Squats

Overhead Presses

Upright Rows

Ball Toss

With a few minutes to spare, we each grab a kettlebell and circle up for:


Mary with a kettlebell is a little different as you are generally holding the bell during the workout.  Mary included a variety of the following exercises while rotating to your right to get different weights:

WW2 sit-ups on the up

Freddie Mercuries in cadence

Dying cockroach

LBCs in cadence

American Hammers

Ruckers bear crawled around the circle of Mary

6:30 rings in my head and time to stop.  The Ruckers come over and sit with us for COT.


Count-a-rama:  17 PAX


  • Shut-in shut-in BBQ February 28th
  • Mule 3/10
  • 9/11 Stair Climb (Tuesday in 2018)

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also