Hell's Bells Beatdown

14 HIMs taking on Hells Bells Beatdown

  • When: February 12th, 2018.
  • QIC & YHC: WWW.
  • The PAX: Crimson, Ryder, Sooey, Capone, Sour Mash, Monkey Nut,  Earhart, Parker, Wilbur, BOGO, Pickles, Shut-in, Water Wings, WWW.

Q’s first time leading HIMs for a Hells Bells kettlebell beatdown.  It was a little bit warm this morning so it was a good time to get our sweat on.  I was a little worried because it was 5 minuts to start time and only Shut-in and Sooey had a kettlebell.  I was very happy to see Earhart and Monkey Nut make their grand appearance with all the kettlebells.  Now that we got our hells bells, it time to get going.  We mosey our way to the circle for a quick warm-up:

Warm Up


Sir Fazio Arm Thingies forward

Overhead claps

Sir Fazio Arm Thingies backwards

Air presses

Merkins (YHC downs)

The Thang

Done with the warm-up, we mosey back to the shelter where we had previously left our kettlebells to crush the 8 impact workout exercises tabata style (50 sec  / exercise):

Round 1 (rotating through each workout):

One pax will farmer carry two 45lb weights to the end of the 1st tennis court and back.

Curls for girls


Around the World

Nutcrackers Squats

Tri-cep Extensions

Overhead Presses

Lawn mowers


Squat weighted ball bounce (single) or partner toss

Round 1 done, we mosey to the top of the hill and completed 7 burpees OYO and then back for round 2.

Round 2 repeato with a minor change; instead of lawn mowers, the pax does kettlebell swings:

Farmer carry same weight and distance

Curls for girls


Around the World

Nutcrackers Squats

Tri-cep Extensions

Overhead Presses


Squat ball toss to wall overhead (single) or partner toss

Round 2 done, we mosey back to the top of the hill and completed 20 merkins OYO and then back for round 3.

Started round 3 but cut it short due to time.  Q directed all pax to each grab a kettlebell and circle up for:


Mary with a kettlebell is a little different as you are generally holding the bell during the workout (it’s harder than it looks).  Mary included:

American Hammers

LBC holding kettlebell straight up

Freddie Mercury with kettlebell presses

Chill-cut planks (slow 30 count)

7 burpees (no kettlebell)

Have a good day to close out the workout


Count-a-rama:  14 PAX


  • Shutty mentioned that F3 Nation mentioned to the Nantans that they want each workout to begin with a disclaimer.  He will put it on the F3 Carpex website.
  • Shut-in shut-in BBQ February 28th.
  • 2 CSAUPs coming up
    • 3/3 in Chatham
    • 3/10 Mule at downtown Raleigh
  • Haven House dinner 4/10?  Keep an eye out on Slack or the Carpex website
    • Try to make either Arena and/or Ambassador (Saturday)
  • Pharmacy 2/13 (expansion meeting around 6:30 pm-ish to recruit some help to re-launch in DC)

Prayers / Praises

  • Praises for Leprechaun beating the flu bug and back at school.
  • Praises for Sooey’s chuch gathering together with other chuches to do a shared message.

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead you men this unusually warm morning in February.

See also