Hell's Bells Baseball

Inspiration for this workout came from the exicon. Wahoo once said that F3 is like recess, and I really enjoyed the competitive nature of F3 baseball. I really wanted something that would keep our heart rate up, but allow bruisers to participate. When Water Wings and Disco Duck requested a 7th inning stretch, I knew this was a good workout.

Started with a quick 1/4 mile mosey and then moved into Warm Up

Warm Up:

  • Good Mornings (South Wake Style)
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sir Fazio Forward
  • Sir Fazio Reverse
  • Plank Hold
  • Runner’s Stretch
  • Finger Tip Plank Hold

Only Thang - F3 Baseball

Four bases were placed about 20 yards apart in a diamond. We split up into four teams. Each team had to complete a combined number of reps and started at a different base. The numbers below are per pax. Once each team reached their starting base, they moved on to the next inning. All the teams pushed hard and got all the way to the 8th inning. I will need to adjust in the future to make the game winnable.

  • 1st Inning – 20 Squat to High Pull
  • 2nd Inning – 20 Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press
  • 3rd Inning – 20 Goblet Squat
  • 4th Inning – 30 Squat to High Pull
  • 5th Inning – 30 Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press
  • 6th Inning – 30 Goblet Squat
  • 7th Inning – 40 Squat to High Pull
  • 8th Inning – 40 Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press
  • 9th Inning – 40 Goblet Squat
First Base
  • 1st Inning – 20 Lawnmowers (10 Left/10 Right)
  • 2nd Inning – 20 Swings
  • 3rd Inning – 20 Two Hand Row
  • 4th Inning – 30 Lawnmowers (15 Left/15 Right)
  • 5th Inning – 30 Swings
  • 6th Inning – 30 Two Hand Row
  • 7th Inning – 40 Lawnmowers (20 Left/20 Right)
  • 8th Inning – 40 Swings
  • 9th Inning – 40 Two Hand Row
Second Base
  • 1st Inning – 15 LBCs w/ Bell
  • 2nd Inning – 15 Freddie Mercury w/ Bell Press
  • 3rd Inning – 10 World War 2 w/ Bell
  • 4th Inning – 20 LBCs w/ Bell
  • 5th Inning – 20 Freddie Mercury w/ Bell Press
  • 6th Inning – 15 World War 2 w/ Bell
  • 7th Inning – 25 LBCs w/ Bell
  • 8th Inning – 25 Freddie Mercury w/ Bell Press
  • 9th Inning – 20 World War 2 w/ Bell
Third Base
  • 1st Inning – 20 Two Hand Curls
  • 2nd Inning – 20 Tricep Extensions
  • 3rd Inning – 20 Overhead Press
  • 4th Inning – 30 Two Hand Curls
  • 5th Inning – 30 Tricep Extensions
  • 6th Inning – 30 Overhead Press
  • 7th Inning – 40 Two Hand Curls
  • 8th Inning – 40 Tricep Extensions
  • 9th Inning – 40 Overhead Press


Five penalty burpees for one late PAX. I will not mention his name (quack quack).


27 PAX (6 Respects)

  • Raleigh CSAUP - 6:15am - March 14 - Fletcher Park
  • Construction work in Burgaw - 6:30am - March 21 - Healing Transitions
  • Q-Source FMJ Wake Zone - 6:45am
Prayers and Praises
  • YHC Adoption may move up to November, but we are still waiting on the exact date. Prayers for patience and resting in God’s timing.

YHC took us out

See also