Hells Bells 0909 - "Nine"

Who: EarharT, Traffic Cone, Triple Lindy, Milton Bradley, Puddles, Rooney, Sour Mash, Johnny Utah, Wahoo, Chipper, Trike, Clementine, Frisco, Ashbury, Meatloaf, Sega, The Departed, Roasters, Betsy Ross, Qwerty, Monkey Nut (Q)

Workout: Hells Bells - 09/09/2019

Warmup: Mosey around pickle, Hillbillies, Slow wind mills

The thang

Mosey to pick a bell of your choice that your friends would be proud of. This one is called “Nine”.  Nine exercise, start with 9 reps of each (IC).

Three stops in parking lot with the following exercises:

Do three exercise as each station starting with 9 in cadence or 18 total. Carry bell back to the first place and do 8 or 16 total exercises, continue down to 3. After completing three rotations, run around the pickle. We finished just in enough time to do some Mary.

  1. Curls (or Carls)
  2. Squats
  3. KB Swings
  4. Merkins on bells,
  5. Up right rows
  6. Triceps extensions
  7. Lawn mowers
  8. Squat press
  9. Flutters with bell above your head

Mary (In Cadence)


KB Russian hammers

Control freak Merkins on the bell (I think was a Wahoo call, ouch)

Freddy mercury,


WWII sit ups

Time, great job.


Pleasure leading this fine group this morning. It was a special birthday celebration for me as my son and daughter all share the same birthday. Started the day off the best way possible, working out, sweating and finishing off a with a much needed prayer at the end. Love the mumble chatter from the guys, especially Frisco calling people out (including myself), EarharT calling me out (well deserved) and Sour Mash calling out the hold time for Control Freak merkins. Have a great week. #ironsharpensiron #faith