
YHC went to a multi faith prayer vigil at Broughton high school with 2.1 in remembrance of those killed in the mass shooting in Christchurch New Zealand. One of the speakers was Farris Barakat, brother to Deah Shaddy Barakat, a second year dental student at UNC, who was murdered 2-10-15 at his home in Chapel Hill.

Farris shared the story of the Muslim man, Daoud Nabi, at the mosque in Christchurch. Daoud Nabi on that day was manning the door to the mosque, and as the man who would later be known as the gunman approached, Daoud went to him in fellowship, shook his hand and said, “Hello brother, welcome”.

Daoud Nabi had lived in New Zealand for more than 40 years after fleeing Afghanistan as a refugee in the late 1970s. After welcoming the unknown shooter with “Hello Brother,  Welcome”, he later died after trying to shield someone else from a bullet.

Farris and each of the High school speakers challenged everyone to reach across the aisle, get to know your neighbor, get to know your brother. #HelloBrother

In addition to the below challenge for the morning, each of the pax were tasked to get to know your brother, learn something about him that you did not know before.

There were no FNGs, flags were planted (including the Back in Black flag that was handed off to Captain Jack to deliver on Thursday) our guest from Knoxville, High Heels, who works for a pump manufacturer rolled in, late, thanks,  10 Burpee‘s OYO #hellobrother

Warm-up: SSH, imperial walker, good morning, windmills.

We immediately jumped into the following 10 rounds of:

-5 pull-ups at play ground

-5 dips at shelter, three count down and one up

-5 derkins at the balls, three count down and one up

-5 dying cockroaches, four count

-Run between stops for 2.2 miles

Circle up for stretches, runners stretch, pigeon, some weird shit that Flacco does, one American Hammer followed up with a beautiful Have a Nice Day.

COT: Lots of prayers Crimson. Sooey, McCants,  others

Join the #csaup-FUGM going on now till Easter. Check the Slack channel for details.

#HelloBrother :. Going around the circle, we shared what we learned about our brothers.  High Heels has posted at 34 different AOs across more regions than I can count, man gets around.  Roscoe thumbed his nose at his dad and followed him, against dad’s wishes, into law enforcement. WWW has lived in more countries in the Air Force than most of us will visit.  Greenbow now knows where Madison county is,  the place of his birth,  Huntsville AL. Kitty Litter had plenty of wood pellets to sell for those weird smokers.  Captain Jack has your patents covered. Chipper at 50 has a 6 year old son, attaboy. Yes,  Ollie has been mistaken for Stone Cold Steve Austin.  Stauhbach, uh Skins all the way.  Titanic,  I failed you bro,  and never personally got to know you, Boatright. Yoga Mat invited everyone over for wood fired pizzas tonight. Smokey is a saint, but also can be heard throughout Audible reading books to you.

It’s been a pleasure.


See also