Hello Kitty Q'd Dante's Peak on a Friday in Apex

I’ll admit, sometimes I still flip on the ole GPS to get me out to DP, but when I get there I’m reminded at just how glorious this site is.

A few hombres showed up at 0510 for ECP and laps. The only way to get better at pull-ups is to do more pull-ups. Aye!

Back to the lot around 5:35 for record PUT6 w/ The Commish. Episode available HERE.

The pax huddle up and we get this thang a-rolling, by the looks of it we’re right around 20 deep.

A grade-A disclaimer/mission statement, a quick pledge and we’re off.


  • Mosey back to the trail and into the woods (yup into the woods) for: GM, SSH, Arm Circle and Seal Claps

The Thang:

  • Mosey to the lil pond course for partner catch me if you can. 10 merkins while partner is running backwards, flip flop for 5 laps.
  • Before leaving the pond, with your partner a combined 50 pull-ups, because again, there is only 1 way to get better at pull-ups…
  • Back over to the park and into the field for circle of pain (merkin, squat, lbc) 10-to-1 lead by JP, Commish and the Eye Ball guy, with the 1-to-10 by YHC. Strong(ish) work.
  • Mary and we done!

COT: 19, YHC took us out

NMS: Attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man.

See also