Hello Deer

YHC showed up to Apex Nature Park early for some EC pull-ups. A little too early, because the gate at the Hell’s Bell entrance to the park was not yet opened. So I parked in the other lot and made my way across the park, kettle bell in hand. As I approached the pull-up bars I noticed three deer, looked like a doe and a couple of fawns. We stared at each other for a moment, then they ran off. Nice way to start the morning.


Lap around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, hill billies, cotton pickers, Sir Fazio arm twirlies (both ways), and ten burpees OYO to help Intimidator remember we start at 05:30.

The Thang

18 PAX but only 13 kettle bells, so let’s split into three groups of six.

Mosey over to the shelter, group one runs to the bottom of the hill and takes a lap around the pond, while groups two and three knock out tricep extensions, overhead presses, curls (for the gurls), rows and goblet squats. Repeato until all three groups have taken a lap.

Head down to the smaller shelter, group one moseys over to the bars and knocks out five pull-ups while groups two and three knock out swings, lawnmowers and Freddie Mercurys with a press. Repeato until all three groups have done pull-ups twice.


Back up the hill and circle up, with some standard merkins, on my down -and- my up while we wait for the six. Rotate through a few PAX-led exercises, including American hammers, low slow flutters, dying cock-a-roaches, LBCs and overhead presses. Since we don’t have enough kettle bells we’ll rotate one spot to the left between exercises.

Put the kettle bells back and knock out five burpees OYO, because we didn’t have time for more.


Count-a-rama:  18 Name-a-rama:  6 RESPECTs, 10 meh, 2 HATEs Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for McCants, prayers for 2.0’s heading back to school BOM:  YHC took us out


Four for EC pull-ups, Frisco, Theismann, WWW and YHC. Thanks to Theismann for bringing the Pink Floyd, much better than last week.

I love that Intimidator. Someone gives him grief about being late and earning us those bonus burpees, he just shrugs and smiles and says, “I like burpees.” My man!

Crimson is always talkative, but today he took it to another level. I think he drank a gallon of vinegar before he left the house this morning. Someone’s got a case of the Mondays.

We had more PAX than kettle bells this morning. If you don’t have a kettle bell you are still welcome to post at Hell’s Bells, but if you’re a regular I encourage you to get a kettle bell and bring it with you.

Strong work by all the men this morning. Between all the mumble chatter I saw lots of encouragement, helping out with proper form and picking up the six. Makes me proud to be a part of this group.

Thank you for letting me lead.

See also