heh, heh, heh

Picked up the Q the night before so not too much time for planning. Decided to keep it simple and get some BRR hill training in. Arrived early with PBX and put in a couple miles before the main event. By 5:45 we had 11 PAX.

Warm up Disclaimer fail Pledge of Allegiance Mosey to the bottom of Andy Hill and circle up for: SSH, plank jacks, and something else.

Thang 1

  • Run towards the top of Andy Hill. The first to reach the top turns around and runs back down. Turn around as you meet the lead and head back down. Stop where the six is met.
  • 15 - 20 of: hand release merkins, jump squats, wide grip merkins, star jumps, diamond merkins
  • 10 burpees
  • mosey back down to the bottom of Andy Hill
  • 20 each of: hammers, LBC’s, dying cockroaches

Repeat x 3

Thang 2

  • Mosey over to the Mills Park Elementary play ground for 2 sets of 10 pull-ups and 10 dips
  • Mosey back towards the flag
  • Optional Billy Run the service road behind Mills Park Middle
  • Circle back for the six
  • Back at the flag for 1 minute of boat-canoes


  • Countorama: 11
  • Announcements:
    • Liverpool’s testimonial on August 18 at 10a, Northwest Community Church in the Panther Creek High School auditorium
    • While Foods every Thursday at 5:00
  • Prayers & Praises:
    • The Dingle family in Cary;
    • Dirty Bomb is transitioning from military service into a civilian job
  • Swag took us out in prayer


  • PBX’s inner Beavis comes out when you call merkins “on my down”

See also