Headroom's VQ @ Shakin not Stirred!

PAX: Hi-Lighter, Torpedo, Repeato, Silverback, Happy Gilmore, Jigglypuff, Gibraltar, WKRP, Honeycomb, Ripcord, Sabre, Flaco, Katniss, Armpad, Kidneystone, Smokey, Mudbuddy, YahBaby, Prodigal, Hotspot, Old Maid, WWW, Largemouth, Chantecler, Michelob, The Joker, CK, Gump

27 PAX showed up for the big show last Wednesday. I didn’t plan on being one of them. I have to thank Hermes and Honeycomb for “voluntolding” me. Still being green and unsure of how bad this could turn out, I decided to make 2 rules: (1) Keep it Simple and (2) Make it really hard so no one could complain they didn’t get a good work-out.

The Plan: The plan was simple. I needed to come up with a super hard workout that I couldn’t screw up. I dug through the database and found a nice routine that would eat up some time. I then drove out to good old Bond Park and went for a solo jog the night before. I knew I had to use the hill. And I knew there were plenty of great parking lots that would be well lit early in the morning.

With all of that being said we started promptly at 5:30 on the dot. Before I could even get everyones attention a small crew of PAX Jetted off for Vesper. At this point we turned our attention to the stars and stripes to pledge our allegiance. Now the juices are flowing. Personally I had so much nervous energy I could have gone straight into a hardcore workout. Instead, we took off running to the nearest parking lot. The goal now was to not screw up the cadence and all of the rituals of F3 Carpex!

Warmup: Good mornings, Side Straddle Hop, and Calve Streches. This was completely in line with the first principle of my VQ. It’s impossible to screw up any of these warm’ups.

Thang 1: All right. This is where the fun began. We jogged down to the lowest parking lot near the baseball fields. It was an easy 1/4 mile run that took about 2-3 minutes. At the bottom of the hill we waited for the laggards to circle up. This is where I gave the instructions for the Burpee Mile. Partner 1 runs a 1/4 mile and Partner 2 does 12 burpees. Once Partner 2 finishes his Burpees he “rests” in a Plank. Then partners swap. Repeato 4x until each partner runs a mile and completes 48 burpees. For some reason that plank hold didn’t sound like rest to some people. The first lap went smooth for most people but it was after the first set up burpees and a 1 min plank that most of the PAX started to feel the burn. After everyone finished we were 25 min in. Time to move on to the next thang!

Thang 2: As the PAX started to congregate we took off in the direction where we started. As we got near the big hill we veered to the right and ran into the open field. A nearly full moon was still peaking over the horizon. It provided just enough light for our next punishment, what I called, the Death by Hill. Partner 1 bear crawls up the big *** hill and does 10 star jumps at the top. Runs back down. Partner 2 does a Mary excercise. At this point we are all starting to die. We finished 3 rounds before we ran out of time. On the way back we tried one more thing before leaving “the hill”. PAX were suggested (probably not a good idea) to run backwards up the said hill. Fun but not as difficult as I wanted. Maybe we try this again as part of 7’s excercise :)

Mary: Kept it simple. I turned to a few PAX to lead us in our their favorite (or least favorite Mary).

Prayer/Praises: No specific requests but we closed with a nice prayer asking God to lead us in our day, heal our brothers injuries, and help us to be all we could be!

Announcements: Odysseus, Golf, Pig Pickin’ . Finished with “Have a nice day!”

Count-o-rama & Name-o-rama :27 total between Vespers and SNS. Unfortunately no FNG’s.

Conclusion: Over all it was a great experience to Q! Looking forward to many more!

If you are curious what we looked like from a GPS View. We ran a total of 2.43 Miles! Great job everyone!