Head-to-Toe, Let Yourself Swoll, Slow and Low that is the Tempo

On a balmy and moist December morn, a handful of PAX gathered at Danger Zone to slow down, take a deep breath, and ready themselves to finish up an amazing year in Carpex. While others may opt for a quicker pace, YHC decided it was time to slow down and focus on form and strength. Some of the toughest workouts I’ve endured featured tempo Merkins and long-hold planks, so I thought I’d put together a workout of nothing but Slow and Low exercises. With a total of just 6 PAX, what better time to test this idea? The following ensued:

2 laps around the Pickle, not too fast, not too slow

Circle up and warmup

  • SSH
  • Good morning
  • Windmill
  • Imperial Walkers

The Thang: ‘head-to-toe, slow and low’

  • Head rolls - left/center/right/back
  • Sir Fazio Arm circles, slow and control
  • BearCrawl to the pavilion
  • Tempo Derkins (x10)
  • Tempo Merkins (x10)
  • Tempo Erkins (x10)
  • Tempo Dips (x15)
  • Low-slow Flutter
  • Freddie Mercs
  • Run the Pickle, high knees ‘round the bend
  • Did someone say Burpees? 3 OYO, nice and slow
  • Bolt 45’s - deconstructed squat jump
    • standing to 45 degrees (x15)
    • 45 degrees to low squat (x15)
    • low squat to jump (x15)
  • Stroll to the stairs…grab a stair and a rail: Johnny Dramas (calf raises)
    • Both / Right / Left / PigeonToes
  • Run the pickle
  • In the Plank Tonight - plank hold for the duration of Phil Collins’ ‘In the Air Tonight’ (5:36)
  • Mary - LBCs + American Hammers


Count-A-Rama: 6

Name-A-Rama: Angry Elf, Coney, Press On, Burt, FloRida, Flacco

Announcements: New Year’s Day convergence, FOD; 6am EC run; 7am launch; Krispy Kreme challenge

Praise and Prayers: Burt’s M, Becky, and her family on the loss of her dad, may he rest in peace; Angry Elf’s dad and his battle with high blood pressure; all those PAX traveling for the holidays and their safety


  • ‘Slow and Low’ can easily be mistaken for public access television, a la Bob Ross and the little old lady that exercises in a chair. If you’re into that sort of thing.
  • In the Plank Tonight is a great challenge to see if you can hold the plank. We mixed it up with arm raises, chill cut, downward dog and cobra, but now I’m inspired to work up to a full 5 minute plank hold. Aren’t you???
  • Slow and Low is all about form and control; the slow tempo exercises deliver concentrated exertion to your muscles. If you can handle the low-key nature of the workout (accentuated by the dulcet tones of your Q’s voice), your muscles will thank you
  • It is always a pleasure to lead you fine gentlemen and I consider it an honor to do so. Thank you.

See also