He Missed The Warm-Up Spot

EC Run: YHC & Water Wings EC Pull-ups: Goose, Ma Bell, Rooney, WWW, Cataracts, Theisman EC Mumble Chatter: Crimson, Nature Boy

I was impressed with the group of HIM out there this morning. We had EC runners, EC pull-upers, Traffic Cone (who I was meeting for the first time,) Blueprint (who hasn’t been out in awhile,) and it’s always great to see Snots getting after it. No FNGs so off we go.

We Josey to the basketball court, taking the long way and running right past the “normal” warm-up spot. You would have thought I was breaking some century old tradition because I think everyone mumbled something about not circling up, or who does he think he is, or did I even know we ran past the circling up spot. I knew. I ignored. We kept moving.


Good Morning, SSH, Mountain Climbers, Bunch of Arm circles & stuff, Mountain Climbers, SSH

Another Josey to the railings outside of the soccer fields.

Thang 1

Grab a railing for IC x10 Aussie Merkins and Erkins

Into the soccer field and partner up: P1 begins to crab walk from one end line to the other. P2 completes 10 Squats, 10 Hand Release Merkins & 10 LBCs, then runs to the far end before returning to their partner to switch places. P2 is now crab walking while P1 returns to the start to complete the 3 exercises, run to the far end, and then switch with partner. Repeat until both partners return to the starting line. Recover.

Leave soccer field and grab a railing for IC x10 Aussie Merkins and Erkins

Thang 2

Into the other soccer field (because variety is the spice of life) for a little Four Corner Escalator. Starting in one corner we complete 10 Carolina Dry Docks, then run to the far corner, complete the 10 CDD and add 20 Chill-Cut Plank Jacks. Run to corner #3 complete the 10 CDD, 20 CCPJ and add 30 American Hammers. Run to corner #4 for 10 CDD, 20 CCPJ, 30 AH and add 40 Fluttering Superman. Recover & Reverse


Just enough time for (wait for it) 100’s and have a Nice Day


Ma Bell & Banjo Co-Qing a Durham workout  Saturday. Need more volunteers for the Carying Place Lawn Care Team on Sunday. Lots of BRR training going on this weekend. Prayers for traveling family members, Pickle’s niece, Sooey’s volunteer work with the Scouts. - There may have been 1 or 2 more I forgot. My apologies gentlemen.


  1. I’m embarrassed to admit this, but on more than one occasion I have mistaken Goose for Pickles and vice versa. Today they were both there. I now know for sure that they are NOT the same person.
  2. The night before the workout I almost posted on Slack that I hadn’t seen Nature Boy in a long time. Well he must of sensed it because he showed up. I told him I missed him. He didn’t seem all to concerned with the fact that we hadn’t seen each other in awhile.
  3. Leprechaun is fast, Hotty Toddy can bear crawl like no one’s business (even though he was supposed to be crab walking) and although Kubota is a mountain of a man, he’s so quiet, sometimes you forget he’s there (silent but deadly)

YHC shared this quote below from author unknown. Theisman took us out.

It’s easy to have FAITH everything is going to work out, when everything IS working out. It’s much harder to have faith when you are facing challenges in your life. But that is exactly when you need to apply your faith. Set backs aren’t always negative. Sometimes they are sent to guide us in a much bigger and better direction. But you can only see that if you show character in those hard times. If you remain open minded. If you show strength through your struggles.


See also