Have you met Dora's twin sister? (she's a lil' cray cray)

As always, I am impressed with the PAX. There is always little humming and hawing at the begin of a workout, but no matter what you throw at them, they always finish strong. And most often, with time to spare. So you better have some extra work for them so they can get their fill.

Warm Up

The gates were locked so we ran from the street into the 1st parking lot on the left, did a quick lap and circled up for SSH, Steve Earle, Goofball, Bobby Hurley, Good Morning (Because you can’t…you know the rest)

Thang 1

Ran down into the park to the basketball courts.

Doracides. Basically Dora plus 1 extra exercise as well as suicides with burpees. Partner 1 begins the suicides. At each stop they do a burpee adding 1 at each of the 3 stops. Partner 2 beings the exercises until the team completes 100 merkins; 200 carolina dry docks; 300 squats; 400 LBCs.

Thang 2

Ran over to the stairs at the tennis courts. We stayed with our partners for 4 rounds of partner 1 running the stairs and finishing with 4 star jumps, while partner 2 did alternating step-ups on the wall at the bottom of the stairs. First round bunny hop, then right leg hop, left leg hop, then sprint.

On our run back to the flag, the hill was just calling our names, and we had just a few minutes to spare, so we did a quick repeato (up, down, up.)


Two minutes left. Plank hold. Right arm out, left arm out, right leg up, and then left arm as well, left leg up, and then right arm too, regular. Done.


Two more weeks for the men’s bible study at Starbucks; Memorial Day convergence soon approaching.

Prayers for Sooey’s friend and Hi Liter.

YHC praised this PAX for working so hard this morning, and then took us out.


See also