Have Rocks, Will Travel

According to The Free Dictionary the idiom “Have ____ , will travel” is used when one has the ability or skill to do something and could do it anywhere. While rock carrying, or in this case indian running with rocks, is not a skill that most of us set out to develop we can use a discipline such as this to develop toughness and belief within ourselves. Today 10 HIMs declared “I have rocks and I can take them anywhere”. And so we did.

The F3 mission was shared, the Pledge of Allegiance was said (thank you Pigeon for providing the shovel-flag) and then traveling rocks were gathered. Circling up we listened to the motivational message by titled You vs Them to put ourselves in the right frame of mind to go do something hard.

Warm up- Side Straddle Hop, Steve Earle, J-Lo, Daisy Pickers, Dive Bombers, Superman, Mountain Climber, Good Morning.

Thang 1 - Indian Run with rocks. Forming into two seperate lines based of desired pace Indian run with rocks to the far end of Thomas Brooks Park.

Thang 2 - Wheelbarrow. With your partner wheelbarrow to the other end of the parking lot (about 70 yards). Did some runner’s stretches then REPEATO!

Thang 3 - Just like Thang 1 but returning to the flag.

Mary - Bird Dog, TWY back exercises


See also