Hares KickOff

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What happens right after kickoff? Yep. RUNNING. For those unfamiliar with Hares(that would be just about everyone), we do a lot of that. Take your typical boot camp beatdown, modify most of the exercises to cover more ground, and stick a bunch of extra running in wherever possible.

YHC arrived at 0512 to enjoy the excellent weather and speculate during a little EC run whether anyone else would show. Co-site-Q Yogi was the only pax I could count on being there, Bambi said he might be there but I didn’t think he would be. Free Bird HC’ed last Wednesday but that was a long time ago.

0530 rolled around with no one there except Yogi and YHC, but this was not entirely unexpected and 2 is plenty for a good workout. Eschewing traditional warmups we moseyed off across W Williams and on to Hunter Street Park. Arrived 12 minutes later, figured it’s probably about 1 mile. Mapmyrun confirmed the distance as 1.03 miles.

The Thang Partner 1 runs backward to the second sign and forwards all the way back. This orientation allows them to watch Partner 2 doing Burpees the whole time. Upon return, partners flapjack and repeato until total Burpee count is 100. This exercise would be particularly effective with a hill, however there were none to be found at Hunter Street Park. May or may not be repeated next week(with a Hill) for the benefit of all those who were sadly unable to attend this week.

Upon completion of all the Burpees, it was discovered that Time was running short, so we headed back to SGC.


Freddie Mercuries x 20

Yogi called Standard Merkins x 20(on his down)

LBCs IC x 15


Name-a-rama: 1 Respect, 1 Hate

Announcements: Soul Train coming up


Prayers: Yogi’s son and daughter are not currently walking with the Lord and have made some unfortunate life choices.

Prayers: Revere has been struggling with sickness for several months now.

YHC took us out.


Yogi mentioned that many pax are unable to tell you what the F3 Mission or F3 Core principles are. This is a problem.

F3 Mission: Plant, grow and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

F3 Core Principles: 

  1. Free of charge

  2. Open to all men

  3. Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold

  4. Led by the men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary.

  5. End with a Circle of Trust

Hope to see more next week, should be great!

See also