Happy Trails

About a year ago, Hermes led the PAX on a now-legendary Q down a narrow dirtbike trail that runs parallel to Highway 1. Hermes took the group all the way south to the Dairy Queen on Ten Ten. I got to thinking: what happens if you headed north on that trail instead? I saw the Q slot was open for Kryptonite, so I grabbed it.

I ran the route twice over the weekend. I was reasonably confident I could keep everyone from plummeting into the ravines.

I realized at 5:20 that it was too dark to hit the trail first, so I switched up my plans.

Lots of EC runners this morning, but they were back right on time. Launch at 5:30, disclaimer, pledge, mosey to Symphony Lake, warm up.

Thing 1: Run. Run to the bridge for alternating partner merkins (someone – Pierogi? – posted this on Twitter recently and I stole the idea), run to Dude Solutions parking lot for jump squats, run to Bluewater’s office building for another round of partner merkins.

Thing 2: Trail. Good visibility now. Encouraged folks to stay together and watch out for the steep drops. I’ve never been a trail runner, so this was new to me, but it’s a blast. Made it through the 3/4 mile trail without issue, and we’re spit back out at Koka Booth. This part was a real joy.

Thing 3: Calamitous Failure. Because of the schedule flip-flop (that’s singular), I wasn’t where I needed to be for the planned third act. Real-talk: I don’t Q a lot. Riptide would have flawlessly generated a 10-minute bolt-on and no one would have been the wiser. I…did not. I gave some vague directions and sent everyone scattering to the wind. The less said about this the better.

Thing 4: Mary/COT. We were running ahead of time due to the Calamitous Failure, but my voice was giving out, and we’d well exceeded the Kryptonite Minimum Mileage Requirement, so I called it. I hoped COT might run long. Nope. No announcements. No praises. Prayers for Mufasa’s M for her health and Frey Daddy’s family on their loss. I took us out… a full 5 minutes early. Thankfully Oofta had trunk coffee, and the Beige Bros had folding chairs, and folks didn’t seem to mind. After all, we got the mileage in.


This wound up being a cluster, but the first 2/3 went exactly like I wanted, so I’ll focus on that.

See also