Happy Gilmore or Water Boy which is it. Both movies definitely pleased the crowd.

PAX: Schilitz, Kermit, Whisper, Pikachu, Peeping Tom, Disco Duck, WWW, Vallencourt

I had to give up my Q for Dazed and Confused because I could not post before my Q date so I audibled. I gave up my Q to a worthy Brother, Triple Lindy.

So I did not have to look far to sign up for an empty Q slot. One of the best AOs in Cary, Rush Hour was wide the hell open. If you had not Q’d there yet, I encourage you to give it a shot. Rush Hour is a great AO for anyone to Q with a lot of options to challenge any HIM of any physical level. What makes it ideal is the amount of HIMs which is the ideal F3 workout #.

I brought out all my favorite exercises which challenges the PAX with a descent amount of mileage. You know me, I do not run do my goal is to keep the PAX together.

Mosey to parking deck to warm up and get working. We did have a late arrival so we did some reward burpees.

Since no PAX was at FWD last week, I exposed them to the Crowd Pleaser with a mosey.

If you read my FWD BB, it is a 1:1 ratio of merkin to groiner. We escalated to 5 and back down the same way. It was a brutal as FWD but quite invigorating.

After pleasing the crowd, I directed the PAX for some people’s chair 10 count down the line and then back up.

Next was BTTW 5 count up and then back down the line.

Next was to partner up for Burp & Merk 100.

Partner 1 does B&M up to 5 and then squat hold for partner 2 who ran to and from the parking deck. Flap jack and partner 2 does the same until 100 merkins were completed.

10 more burpees on my down

On our six for some Mary: Big Boy x20, Rocky Balboas x 10 and finishing the thang with 100s.

Mosey back to the grassy knoll for more Mary. Dying cockroach x20, right into coxbutter x10 IC, another set of coxbutter x10 IC, right into low slow flutters x10i, have a nice day.

CAR: 8

NAR: 1 Respect and 7 mehs


PaP: for those who’ve lost a loved one, our hearts go out to you.

Pray for the young girl who was struck by a car in HS.

Pray for the family who lost their daughter from cancer leaving behind a 3 year old little daughter and father


Welcome back Vallencourt, who was renamed because he could not recall his F3 name which he received at a SW AO over a year ago. Pikachu remembered vaguely so some names were tossed around. So Robert did not leave confused, we continued with the naming and renamed him Vallencourt which he gracefully accepted.

I cannot say it enough, Rush Hour is a great AO.

SW has their CSAUP on Dec 7, dress warmly because last year was under 40. Hit up Pikachu for deets.

See also