Happy Birthday Whippersnapper

It was an honor to be at the original location of Coffee with Oofta, Joe with Joe this morning. I arrived to find the pax milling about in the gloom, including Bayonne’s father, Whippersnapper who I later learned was celebrating his 77th birthday in the gloom. Lots of time help for this Q who prefers to lead without wearing a watch. Oh well, 545 ish - and we were off for a quick lap and a circle for - GM, Hill billies, Mountain climbers, SSH, Sir Fazios and then off again to the pavilion.

DIps, ALRSU, Irkins, Dirkins, LBCs - x 20, then all x 15, x 10, x6 (why six - you ask - only because Hermes thought he had detected a pattern).

over to the bathroom for some Peoples chair and then back to the parking lot by the pavillion - quick feet x 30 - then 7s - bear crawl into mountain climbers, lunge into squats.

I noticed during the 7s that Ashbury thought a mountain climber as a plank jack and Sega thought that a squat didnt involve bending your knees so I called another audible - this time - plank jacks and squats again.

Over to the bathroom for some peoples chair and BTTW.

Run back and loop the main parking lot - then circle up for Mary - LBC, Dying Cockroach, Hello Dolly, Rosalita, Homer to Marge and some WW2s for good measure.

COT - announcements - Saturday 5k, Prayers -HGTV father in law - Praise Term Papers 3.0 birthday and expected sibling

YHC took us out and then Joe with Joe.

thanks for following me - it was my honor. Great to have an age range from 13-77.

See also