Handful of Coconuts

13 PAX got to experience YHCs best MaBell Special with a touch of Kryptonite.  Merkins & Coconuts for all!



  • Short run across the street to the parking lot, mix in some Karaoke along the way.
  • Merkins, Hillbillys, Imperial Walkers, Good Morning, More Merkins

Thang 1:  

  • Grab a Coconut for shoulder/back work
  • Plank Position, Coconut wing raises x10IC right/left/front right/front left
  • Run in between sets at APEX of the run varying merkins offset/diamond/wide/standard
  • Run back for COT

Thang 2:


  • Yes… Burpees to Thunderstuck
  • Low Squat Pulse between burpees
  • Yes, it sucks


  • LBC x30(IC)


This Christmas season take time to impart some of your good fortune and good will upon others less fortunate.

See also