Halloween Dads Pop-up

Big time fail on YHC’s park not getting a photo organized because Saturday’s F3Dads was frighteningly fantastic. Many many dads showed up with what looked like an average 2.3 kids per dad. Salem Park didn’t know what hit it.

Picking up a last minute Q from Kitty who unfortunately had to bow out, Rosie the Rivered and I pulled together 45 minutes of fun followed by 15 minutes of COT as we welcomed ~13 FNKs to the mix. Apologies to the many kids and dads, but since the number was a little north of the officially acceptable 50, and because my memory is not that good, a full reckoning is not happening.

Here’s what I do remember:

  • We had not one but two Ironmen
  • Thor showed up … late
  • LL Cool J did not want to get his tracksuit dirty
  • Neither did Denali
  • Kwikstop was not recognizable until COT. Seriously… did not recognize the guy at all
  • Glad to have spent some quality time catching up with Adjacent at the post-party
  • Grease Monkey’s 2.0s were cracking me up as they each came over asking for candy for themselves and their brothers. Ha!
  • T-claps to Chanti, Grease and Denali for doubling up following what sounded like a nasty Frey-led Whiplash
  • Welcome to Puzzles, Augmented and their 2.0s to F3Dads. I think there may have been another V-Dad (not sure how that actually happens but such is the F3 Exicon) but I can’t remember who that was
  • Praises that Left Cheek was unable to fit into his Sexy Nurse outfit.

The crew warmed up in the soggy soccer field with some Ghoul Mornings, Bobbin’ for Apples, Pumpkin Pickers and Jumping Jack-o-lanterns.

We then set about playing Spiders and Flies with the Dads (in Spider-crawl mode) trying to catch their 2.0s who attempted to cross the field from one side to the other. Any Spiders who failed to catch their 2.0s were asked to perform 10 Dying Cockroaches Spiders. Few did. The field was soggy.

The massive crew then left the field and safety crossed the street to the much drier hill. A few sets of exercises, Zombie Walks and such were performed in perfect form.

Finally, the group enjoyed some Halloween Trivia, with burpees for wrong answers and easy-peasy squats if you were right. I think one or two may have gotten all questions correct. But most did not.

COT was a blast. Lots of new kids and new names. Too many to remember but I hope everyone had a great time. F3Dads is my favorite Q of them all.
