Half Dora, Full Beast


Mosey down to the track and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, Sir Fazios and good mornings.

The Thang

Check the football field, it’s way too soggy, so move over to the track and line up for the Beast. Six merkins at the end zone, six more at the twenty, six more at the forty, six more at the other forty, six more at the other twenty, six more at the other end zone. Repeato with squat jumps, shoulder taps, lunge jumps, star jumps and burpees.

Mosey up the stairs and line up for an Indian run around the school, finishing up at the basketball court.

Partner up for Half Dora, P1 bear crawls across the court and back while P2 knocks out 50 dying cock-a-roaches, 100 American hammers and 150 LBCs.

Finish up with burpee elevens, 10 merkins and 1 squat jump, 9 merkins and 2 squat jumps, etc. on to 1 merkin and 10 squat jumps.


Circle up for Freddie Mercurys, Hello Dolly, big boy situps and have a nice day.


Count-a-rama:  11 Name-a-rama:  3 RESPECTs, 7 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Moped and his bride-to-be on their upcoming wedding, prayers for the many PAX with loved ones dealing with health issues. BOM:  YHC took us out


Goose and Sky Blue have created a wonderful AO at Mills Park, it’s worth the extra couple minutes of driving, check it out. Even the stars are better there.

I haven’t posted with Katniss in a while, but he has a sixth sense, giving us a ten count and starting off count-a-rama before I could even get the words out of my mouth. Thanks for the assist.

Welcome FNG Bronx Bomber, the only Bronx native who roots for the Mets.

Biner wore his heavy vest for the whole workout. At one point he took it off and I thought I had him beat, but it was just so he could remove his top layer, he put the vest back on and kept crushing it.

Somehow everyone knew the last leg of the Beast was going to be burpees.

Thanks for letting me lead this morning.

See also