Half-A-Murph And Some Other Stuff

YHC was joined by 14 PAX full of mumble-chatter in the slightly-warmer-than-yesterday but still right at freezing gloom, and some traveled outside their normal AOs to cheer me on for my solo VQ.  Much appreciated.  Having already known someone who spilled merlot during a co-VQ…er…let’s just say that was out of the way so one less thing to be nervous about.  No FNG’s, so off we go.

15 PAX took a brisk jog around the lower parking lot and circled up in the shelter parking lot for:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Plank Jack x 20 IC
  • Mountain Climber x 20 IC
  • Good Morning x 10 IC
  • Merkin x 20 IC

Wait…what’s that I see?  An Angry Elf citing to make us an even 16 PAX?  Not to be called out as soft on my VQ, so

  • 10 Penalty Burpees OYO

Thang 1

Mosey to the shelter and partner up.  Each partner does:

  • Pull-ups x 50 OYO (partner assist as needed, make sure you do ‘em all)
  • Merkins x 100 OYO

Mumble chatter was swift to commence, with clarification needed on whether that was each and not total, and gentle suggestions that squats may be better paired well with Pull-Ups, something about half-a-Murph, yaddah, yaddah, so YHC figured we were getting somewhere.  Hi-Liter led the PAX who finished in one round of Mary while we wait for the six.

Mosey to the Field for Thang 2:

A set of five full-field AYG sprints was the main event, punctuated with exercises at each end, a few 10-count breaks, and a mosey back to the start…lather rinse repeat x 5.  Went something like this:

  • Full Field AYG
  • 4-count Jump Lunges x10 IC
  • Karaoke to start (switch halfway)
  • Freddie Mercs x 20 IC
  • (10 count)
  • Full Field AYG #2
  • 30 second People’s Chair
  • Backwards Run to start
  • Boxcutter x20 IC
  • (10 count)
  • Full Field AYG #3
  • 10 Burpees OYO (a crowd pleaser, mumble chatter dwindling)
  • Mosey to start
  • Low slow flutter x 15
  • (10 count)
  • Full Field AYG #4
  • Merkin x 15 OMD
  • Mosey to start
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • (10 count)
  • Full Field AYG #5 (really, last one, AYG)
  • YHC was gassed, so Mosey to Start
  • Freddie Mercs x 20 IC

Got through with that a little faster than YHC had planned, so we moseyed to the side fence for:

Mini Thang 3:

Balls to the Wall to Failure.  People’s chair when you finish, cheer on the remaining BTTW PAX.  Many PAX held this over a minute, way to go fellas.


  • 6 in hold x 5 count around the horn
  • Biner-led 10 count boat-canoe
  • J-Lo 10 count IC
  • Peter Parker Merkin x 10 IC



  • See Web site for Christmas Party Signup, Dec 14
  • Krispy Crème Challenge Cyber Monday
  • Thanksgiving Convergence at BO, 7 am
  • Ruck at 7 pm Friday Night, start at DZ
  • Healing Transitions Workout Clothes to CD
  • Toys for Tots Collection, New Unwrapped Toys

Prayer Concerns

  • Yogi in his search for a job
  • Callahan’s young friend Luke
  • Wilber
  • Largemouth and M expecting 2.0


  • Thank you men for the honor to lead you and the encouragement to do so.  I really enjoyed it and appreciate all this group has done and continues to do for me
  • Amazing to see the work this group is doing in the community.  Keep it up, gents, it is a true inspiration!