Gut Check

“Can’t ask of others what you aren’t willing to do yourself.”

Someone, somewhere


Good Mornings


Imperial Walkers

Side Straddle Hops

Mountain Climbers

The Thang:

4 - Corners and a Center Escalator Work out.

Corner #1 - M’uricans

Corner #2 - Frog Ups

Corner #3 - Squat

Corner #4 - Star Jump

Center - With Cinder block do an 8-Count Rock ya body or a Burpee

Starting with 1 rep and adding 1 rep per rotation up to 10 reps.

The circuit was about 1/3 of a mile.

Bluewater successfully finished and was given the rest of the day off. The rest of us have to finish today during our lunch break.


YHC has been making mental excuses to not Q. Then thinking on what I would expect and accept from my kids lead me to stop making excuses and start doing.


Announcements -

Haven House is still collecting donations. If you can please contribute to a good cause.

Prayers and Praises -

A child going in for heart surgery

Any and all unspoken

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


See also