Gut Buster Pre-Party

With the Carpex Christmas Party coming up this evening YHC thought it’d be good to work those bellies.

Temps were a bit chilly and ice was abound but 15 pax skated right through the beatdown.

We started with 12, then Two Factor arrived during warm up, then Khakis arrived later in the warmup, then finally McIlroy during the first Thang. We did burpees for Two Factor but not knowing how many more pax might show up throughout the morning we stopped it right there.

Warmup: Two laps around the pickle and the basics (plus 10 burpees)

Thang 1:

4-20s (thanks Large). Run the bus loop stopping four times for Monkey Humpers along the way.

Thang 2:

Trek over to the elementary school playground for gut busting DORA 1-2-3
100 Boat Canoes
200 Flutter Kicks
300 LBCs
P2 in the meantime runs down, does 1 burpee runs back. Each time you run down you add 1 burpee. YHC got up to 6 or 7 I think.

Thang 3:

Bus loop painstation. P1 take a lap, P2 diamond curb merkins, flapjack, dips, flapjack, recover.

Thang 4:

Possibly a new invention? The Typewriter. Using a parking lot go down the parking lot line spaces doing an exercise at each one. When you get to the end run back and reset to do it again. We side shuffled and did a jump squat at each parking spot. Then went down facing the opposite way so our shuffle was working our other side.

Back to the basketball court for very quick Aussie Mtn Climbers (SIGNATURE MOVE, CALLAHAN!).

Recover, recover, recover.


See also