Gulag Springs

After a late night of steaks and merlot, both PAX arrived at the site, curious and slightly skeptical as to whether the other would show….then both remembered that F3 posts in rain or shine – so of course there would be an AO.

For added challenge, we decided to rely on Franklins internal-GPS and duly left phones and Google Maps behind to venture off into the gloom - after a quick visual check for any FNG’s, off we went….

Warm Up:

After mosey from the hotel, arrived at the loading dock of Home Depot for 15 x good mornings; 15 x hillbillies; 20 x quick feet; plank-stretches.

The Thangs

More Moseying around the oversized Home Depot site, and circle up for 20 Kerb-Erkins and 20 Kerb Derkins, and paint-a-parking lot.

According to Franklin-GPS there was a school / park right next to Home Depot – so off we went to explore, wisely cutting through a hole in the Home Depot fence….and turned right, into a very residential area, which must be near to the school surely…

Much more moseying around the residential streets of Coral Springs, with 3 Burpees at every lamppost (quite dangerous when many householders as beginning their drive to work). After 5 lampposts, 3 Burpees evolved into 5 squats for greater visibility to car dodge.

The search for the alleged elementary school had become an obsession, with us questioning how it was possible to hide a school, and even whether it actually existed.

Finally, on the verge of giving up the quest for the lost school, in the far off distance, appeared a sign….not just any sign, but familiar yellow school crossing sign….praise…we were on the right tracks!

With barely contained excitement we ran into the school, eagerly looking for the usual facilities…a basketball court, pull up bars, grassed areas etc. Alas, we the elementary school we stumbled upon did not provide such luxuries. In fact with the 7 foot high chain link fences and gated off areas, it took on the appearance of more of a military compound than a school – perhaps why we struggled to find it.

Making the most of the available parking lot, with some bunny hops and paint the lines, we found a wall, rail and bench for more Erkins, BTTW, dips and peoples chair. Peoples chair was curtailed some, as an incoming car passed us by very slowly, given the setting (Area-51 type compound masquerading as an elementary school) we assumed this was some kind of checkpoint guard, wanting to inspect our papers. Discretion sometimes being the better part of valor, we exited quickly and orderly, in order to avoid any potential trouble.

In moseying back toward our AO meeting point, we realized that if we had just turned left having come through the hole in the fence, we would have arrived right at the school…although that would not have been nearly as much fun.

Run back to the hotel, stopping only for 10 monkey humpers outside the window of 24 hour gym next door.


  • Announcements – nearly new, gently used AO, Flying Circus, the finest AO in NW Cary, on a Thursday morning – 0545 Thursday.
  • Prayers – all spoken and unspoken prayer and praise requests, and everyone on the 4th floor.

Privilege to co-Q this morning, thank you.

See also