Groundhog Day in October

Monday of this week I was at A-Team and a few PAX brought it up to me that my DP Q was the day before the Odyssey and I should probably “take it easy on’em with the mileage..and the Mary.”  Apparently our boy Squatter had put a hurtin’ on them last year at HIS DP Q the day before Odyssey and there was some griping or somethingorother…

Being somewhat new to Q’ing, in the back of my head I was thinking “well, what the hell’s left? We going to stretch for 45 minutes? Who the heck does that?!?”

Then along comes my man Disco Duck. “Hey Slaps, you know what would be hilarious? Repeat Squatter’s Q.” DONE.

I was so ready to get this thing going this morning, I showed up 20 minutes early thinking DP was a 5:30 start instead of 5:45..

Flag Planted.

5:45 - We had an FNG, so full F3 elevator speech was recited, allegiance pledged, then we moseyed.

Warm Up:

Good Morning, Windmill, Seal Clap (thanks to Hamm for providing the barking noises…our normal merry band of idiots DP mumblechatterers were noticeably absent…ALONG WITH DISCO DUCK!! WTH?? Smart man.), Overhead Claps, SSH, Steve Earle, Plank Jacks

Thang 1
Indian Run 11’s – Split into 3 groups of six PAX for an Indian Run back and forth across the parking lot in front of the soccer fields. Perform the 11’s as a group -  Star Jumps and Turkish Get Ups Burpees (YHC mod)

Time check - 10 minutes. Junk.

Thang 2 on the fly
Benchwork under the shelter

-Freddy Mercury
-Pax Choice - Peter Parker Merkins
-Have a Nice Day

Welcome FNG Stone Cold (Steve from Austin)!

I was so dehydrated by the end of this beatdown, I could honestly barely think straight and form coherent sentences. Sorry for the jumbled prayer. God knows what’s up.

See also