Greatest American Hero

Yesterday, Hi-Liter graciously offered to take over the suddenly-vacant BiB Q, so I offered to write the BB for him.

68 Degrees and clear at 5:15, as promised in my pre-blast.

QIC: Hi-Liter

  • Disclaimer
  • Pledge
  • Penalty burpees for a slightly-late Pax
  • 1-mile mosey through the Koka Booth parking lot
  • Warm up (rain starts)
  • 7s on the hill behind the Global Knowledge office
  • Bear crawl/lunge to Koka Booth gate (pouring rain now)
  • Mosey back to flag
  • Mary
  • COT


Happy birthday week to Hi-Liter and his son.

Funny bit during the warm-up. Hi-Liter instructed us to sing the theme song from The Greatest American Hero while holding puddle-Supermans. In cadence, exercise…. Hi-Liter is the only one singing. For a second, Hi-Liter was sore, but it turns out…. that show was on way before many of the Pax were old enough to watch TV (or were even born), and no one knew the words. We tried again, this time with optional dadadas for those born after the mid-70s, and we got through it just fine. Hi-Liter fielded questions about this show for the remainder of the workout.

YHC has really enjoyed getting to know the new guys. F3 has a way of vacuuming in great people.

Such good vibes in Carpex this morning. We had a blast at BiB, and from the sound of the post-workout reports on Slack, it was the same across the region. Carpex is an oasis.

See also