Saw an empty Q spot on Sunday night, so I scooped it up. I knew it was meant to be when I saw Pickles at Wolverine and he needed to pass the flag along. That was heavy!

Now I planned this workout while watching the Bachelor last night. There’s always a temptation to bring in some rose-themed flair to the morning, but I took a peek at the date for inspiration. 1/21… see the hidden message for that connection.

Meetup with Blowout/Warmup:

Good Mornings
Imperial Walker

gotta get back in time - Clock Merkins

select a rock as your partner annnnnnd
welcome to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance
7s with
Crab Cakes
Earth Angels
mosey with your rock in between

and to cap off the dance, introducing the Johnny B. Goode:
play Chuck Berry’s Johnny B. Goode while extending the rock over your head.
Do a rock squat on every ‘go’
Do a rock burpee on every ‘Johnny B. Goode’

gotta get back in time - Clock Merkins
head over to the baseball diamond grabbing a small rock on the way - gotta put some money on the Cubbies

Rock LBC Escalator:
5 LBC at 1st base, 10 LBC at 2nd base, 15 LBC at 3rd base, 20 LBC at home plate
sequence goes home to first to home to 1st to 2nd to home to 1st to 2nd to 3rd to home to 1st to 2nd to 3rd to home (the short way)

gotta get back in time - Clock Merkins
In honor of the Indians that chase Marty at the beginning of BttF3 (and the bear that eats his boots) - indian run bear crawl
Modified to one PAX starting the long bear crawl while the other runs to the end and back - flip flop/repeato till the end.


American Hammers
Turkish Getups

finish it out with some Carolina Dry DOCks
Have a Nice Day / THAT’S IT

COR/NOR - 2 meh

Announcements: K2C

JP’s M - 27.5 weeks in with Baby #3


VERRRRRRRY thankful for Blowout this morning. If he wasn’t there, I can’t say that I would have done the Johnny B. Goode by myself. Two guys holding rocks in the air while playing Chuck Berry on a bluetooth speaker in a park at 6AM was adventure enough. Props to you for coming out, I had a blast!

See also