
Some things are just meant to be. The Hell’s Bells Q slot just happened to be available - YHC jumped on the chance for a birthday Q. Arrive early to get in some ECP and running before the main event; mosey to the parking lot at about 0527 to see 8 HIMs gathering. At 0530, we pledge allegiance and off we go.

Warm Up

Mosey around the big pickle with high knees, butt kickers, and karaoke both ways. Circle up for:

  • 49 SSHs
  • 10 Steve Earles
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 10 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 10 Seal Claps
  • 49 Standard Merkins

The Thang

Everyone pick a kettle bell, and move to the amphitheater shelter, with Halos and Around the Worlds along the way. Count off into 3 groups of 3 each, for:

  • Round 1: AMRAP Curls/ AMRAP Wall Jump Burpees/5 Pull-ups
  • Round 2: AMRAP Tricep Extensions/AMRAP Wall Jump Burpees/5 Pull-ups
  • Round 3: AMRAP KB swings/AMRAP Derkins/5 Pull-ups
  • Round 4: AMRAP Goblet Squats/AMRAP LR Stepups/5 Pull-ups
  • Round 5: All together, Rock Your Body x 20
  • Round 6: BTTW Shoulder Taps in Cadence x 20
  • Back to the flag


Squatter 100s, Have a Nice Day


3 Respects, 6 Mehs

Remember to sign up for TCP Sawgrass, 2:00 every other Sunday. Preblasting the Odyssey on October 5th. Haven House Battle of the Bags coming up soon. Prayer requests taken, YHC took us out.


Only 365 days until RESPECT status. F3 has been life changing for YHC. And fitness is an important part, but the heart and soul are more important. I cannot imagine life without these friends and workouts in my life. Life is not about avoiding mistakes. It’s about how we pick ourselves up and keep moving forward. Watching Tiger Woods come back from a very public low point 2 years ago to win the Master’s yesterday brings this into focus. Did he need the money? No. I’ve made lots of mistakes and will make more (just hang around and you’ll get to see some, I promise). Don’t get hung up on that, or striving for perfection. Strive for improvement and maximum effort. Accelerate your relationships. Be awesome, and just a bit better than you were yesterday. Thank you, I am grateful.

See also