Gran Torino @ Gran meta

With a penchant for movie themed Qs and an AO named after a movie, it was only a matter of time…with a cooler full of PBRs and a dollop or two of gray hair coloring hair clay the scene was set.

As I enjoyed a pre workout beverage whilst scowling in my lawn chair the Pax and ECers arrived. They looked excited.

After the pledge, we took off, I muttered a disclaimer (no one gave me a disclaimer before shipping off to Korea). We run around to the front of the school to warm up with some Sue Straddle Hops. There was some discussion around the word ‘plucky’. Clearly, the pax need some vocabulary lessons.

After the hops, a quick jaunt around the circle, then some Spiders (Peter parkers). Another jaunt, the some Motor city shuffles (lunge 2x, down to plank, 5 Merkins, 5 plank Jack’s, jump up). Mosey to the back play ground for some Thao Toe Touches (some on ground that looked like a v-up, some hanging from pull up bar (touch toes to bar). Finally finish the warm up with some Walt Kowalskis (Abe vigoda).

Jog to the first field for some ‘Get Off My Lawns’. Jog across field and up hill (Hmong are hill people). Run fastback (Walt’s car was a ‘72 Gran Torino Fastback) and perform the exercise. Repeat for each move:

  • Groiners
  • One-call (Hand release merkin, left arm under-punch, right arm under-punch
  • Marionettes (big boy sit up left, middle, right)
  • La la leggy (lunges, drop lunge, jump squats)

Run to shelter for one of Walt’s tobacco habits (Dips)

After Thao tried to steal the Gran Torino, he had to do some chores for Walt. The first involved wheel barrows, so we did wheel barrows.

Continued our run around the lower field to the top. Did I mention that Hmong are hill people. Thao’s next chore was to get a ladder and clean gutters. We did Ladder 7s (burpees on one side, star Jumps on the other). Down the hill across field and up the other hill. In the middle of the field do 2 merkins, each time across the middle add 2 Merkins up to 12, then come back down the ladder.

Next to the bball court. Walt needed to exact revenge on the gang after they abused Sue. He has to finish things and he goes it alone. He basically commits suicide (knowing he is near death from lung cancer). Pax line up and hold plank while one at a time, we run a suicide (half court, full court). This took longer than calculated, switch from plank to LBCs.

One more dip session and then back to the flag.

Prayers for yoga mat’s dad as well as hi-liter’s daughter and her incredible early life story.

Reflection on the movie about opening your hearts and minds to others to avoid becoming a bitter lonely old man.

See also