Gran Torino Challenge

Date: 4/19/19

PAX: Biner, Hi-Liter, PBX, WWW

Ruckers: Carvana, HotCakes, Skipper, The Commish

For some reason, I thought I had the FMJ Q this week, but, I noticed on the Q summary, when it was posted, that I was not on the list.  I checked my calendar and I had made a scheduling error, so I needed to make-up for it, if I wanted to stay on track with my quest.  I seized the opportunity to Q a tough AO … GRAN TORINO when I noticed it was open.  GT to me is a tough AO because the Q has to build a routine to hit a minimum of 2.0 miles and with a HIIT program to challenge the PAX with no 10 count.  Here’s the challenge for me, I am not a strong runner due to knee issues.  However, I love to be out in the gloom to strengthen my inner spirit.  So, I had a dilemma.  What workout can I craft up to challenge the PAX and also ensure we hit the minimum 2.0 mile distance.  I combed my archive on exercises that I felt would push the PAX.  I think I was a little ambitious when creating it because it really pushed my limits.  What I really enjoy about F3 is the goal to personally push yourself a little bit every time you post.  So read on to understand why this routine pushed my limits and I hope it pushed the PAX’s limits.

I did learn something today as I was jogging/walking alongside a solid HIM, Biner.  There are so many ways to create a workout frequency.  I was hoping for 3 PAX per group but had a pair per group.  I’ll explain later why there are other options to get the PAX through the workout.

No FNG in our PAX so we got the F3 admin stuff out quickly and then Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory.  Off we went on a short mosey around the small pickle.

Circle up for warm-up.  Due to what I had planned, I warmed up the joints and muscle group that would be impacted by the workout.

Warm-up: GM, Abe Vigoda, Calf stretch with merkins, and Sir Fazio (F & B).

YHC/QIC had the PAX partner up which was an easy call because there were only 4 bootcampers.

The thang to complete was Dora 1-2-3-4:

100 Carolina Wine Makers

200 burpees

300 box cutters

400 monkey humpers

Partner 1 starts the exercises while partner 2 runs the big pickle.

The exercises I used to build the routine, from a personal level, was TOUGH!  My partner was PBX.  PBX crushed it and I tried to match what he did.  His drive helped me push my limits which I’m grateful for.  We did not finish the challenge but we did get close.

Team 1, Biner and Hi-Liter, crushed it.  They were able to squeak in everything.  They would have finished the challenge quicker but Biner was my running partner and he stuck with me as I kept my feet moving around the pickle.  He was not going to leave me behind.  True HIM.  He helped me push it as well.

I did not finish the challenge but we did hit 2.0 miles.  Time went extremely fast.

Circle up for Mary around the circle PAX favorite x10 count.  As we were doing Mary, the ruckers came strolling in.  I started the count-a-rama.  Hi-Liter noticed we were missing 1 … Skipper.  He said we cannot finish out so he, HotCakes and I went to find him.  Skipper was at the field completing the ruck challenge.  We bear crawled the last bear crawl length with Skipper before heading back tot he COT.  Exceptional HIMs.

BOM:  YHC led us out

Count-a-rama: 8

Name-a-rama: 1 respect, 7 mehs

Announcements: Crazy Train and Night Train (BRR prep).

Prayers / Praises: Hi-Liter mentioned a friend who was diagnosed with cancer going through chemo.  During the chemo treatment, her husband took his own life leaving behind young kids.  Praises to The Commish’s 2.0 with earning scholarships for college.


As I was running the pickle with Biner, I realized that I could have had all 4 of us accomplish the challenge together.  We would have finished it together on time.  Next time.

I want to thank the PAX for helping me push my personal limits.

If we had 10 more minutes, PBX and I would have finished the challenge.  Excellent job PBX!

Hi-Liter and Biner displayed the meaning of never leaving a man behind and never leave them where you found them.  True demonstration of a HIM … HOTY nominees.

Although you have ailments, still try to get out in the gloom and modify as needed.  Your body and spirit will thank you.

It’s a blessing and I’m truly grateful for my F3 Brothers.

Coffeeteria at Hwy 55 Starbucks was had.

See also