Grace California

AO: Tortoises

Date: 1/9/19

PAX**: Free Bird, Earhart, Clementine, Puddles, Ashbury, Trike, Pet Sounds, Sub, Cataracts, Meat Loaf, Crimson, Deuce, Spartan, Frisco, Payback, Dust Bowl, WWW, Yogi, Quiver, Milton Bradley**

There was a slight breeze blowing in when I arrived at Tortoises this morning and a silhouette lingering in the lot, solo, yet there. I walked up and had pleasantries with this man and we seemed to have met before, when others start streaming in with faces coming at me in all directions. It was “Hotel California Q”, and it was one for the books. The mind was calm, yet knew the friends of this Q were on a journey that day from all corners of this small town, bonded by the joy of this site. Would I need help, could I support, Yogi, doing a pre-run? Questions kept coming, “Where is Hanson, is that Pet Sounds”. The answers were even bigger, “Frisco on a pre-run, along with a corridor full of FNG’s from the road. Things seemed acutely mellow, yet extremely loud. There was an inner feeling that even with the drama to unfold, faces in the distance, and the corridor of sporadic light, we would suffice. Then in the midst of the most chaotic beginning 8 minutes of a Q things unfolded by the night man, or if you will, “The Veteran”. When my count off of three groups turned cluster, we had a mild gathering of groups with some mumbling from the good friends we call Crimson. Then we managed to cross the dinning hall Williams to a hill that showed anxiety with the Pets, yet friends I could hardly see, WWW led the strays. Just when my passage was lost, and the party was last, we had a stranger, that seemed to be everywhere yet nowhere, we saw his table, and it was Frisco, Earhart, and Yogi. This group navigated the weary gloom, even when the drifting of the mind kept the PAX in limbo. What is a Q? Ask the PAX?

THANG: First we tried to count off in 3’s, but I wanted to add 4 stations in my mind. Weird, somehow we grouped up and did cinderblock presses, Freddy Mercuries, and then ran down the hill for 10 burpees.

Round 2: Cross Williams by the cemetery and do hill 7’s. We did star jumps and merkins on the steep hill with street lights. Went to the first light, about 100 yards up the hill.

Round 3: Went to the park next to the cemetery and did 3 groups of exercises. Group 1 ran the loop around the park and up the stairs. Group 2 did bear crawls by the playground, while group 3 did left/right step ups in the shelter. All the groups completed this cycle twice.

Round 4: Slow and controlled merkins, followed by 3 minutes of speed Mary.

Round 5: Try and get back across Williams without getting killed.


Oak City Run Club meets on Saturday’s so please check the new Park they are running at in January. 8:00 AM

There is a clown car gathering on Saturday to give some Carpex support to Disco on his Q in South Wake. 7:00 AM Costco (Call Frisco)



NMS: I truly enjoy all the little things that makes F3 a part of my life. The prayers online, the pre-runs, coffees, work, support, laughter, games, squats, and all other. It is the little things that make a huge difference in my life, just like guys today stepping in to help get us through a Q. My cluster Q saved by a few veteran F3 guys looking out for the common good, and myself. Thanks for allowing me to Q today.

See also