Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad...

17 PAX loaded up on the bus and came out to Olive Chapel Elementary to kick off the hard launch of the new Apex AO “Hot For Teacher”. YHC had the Q. Tunes were rockin’ and the two co-site-Q’s long hair was flowing in the breeze. It almost looked natural on Cataracts….almost.

0530 – Typical F3 spiel. Modify as necessary. And seriously - don’t sue us..we only own a beatup Ford Econoline van with no A/C and 400K miles, our knockoff Stratocaster electric guitars and a busted amp that doesnt even go up to “11”.


Allegiance was pledged. Then we moseyed to the end of the parking lot and circled up.

  • Good Mornings
  • Leg/thigh/calf/back stretches, left-right-center.
  • SSH
  • Sir Fazio
  • Warm up jog down the sidewalk towards Kelly Rd. Park. Butt kicks, Karaoke left/right. Enter the main entrance of the park.

Thang 1

Partner up. DORA 1-2-3. Partner 1 completes the movement while Partner 2 runs the pickle. Flip flop until complete.

  • 100 Burpees
  • 200 LBCs
  • 300 Squats

Time check - “crap, I think we’re a little ahead of schedule.”

Improvised Thang 2 to fill the time

  • Hit the tennis courts and line up. Alternate Lunge Walking and Bear Crawling to the other side of the courts and back.

Thang 3

  • Head up to the loop around the playground and partner again.
  • 7’s - Partner Merkins and American Hammers. Complete the first partner Merkin, then you and your partner run opposite directions around the loop. Wherever you meet, you complete the American Hammers. Continue until all reps complete.
  • midway through - **time check** - crap, now we’re behind schedule. Shouldn’t have strayed from my original plan!
  • Gather the troops and jog back to the flag for Mary.


  • 4 minutes left - exactly the time needed to complete a round of Twisted Merkins.
    • Plank hold through Twisted Sister’s song “I wanna rock”, doing a Merkin every time they say the word “Rock”. Alternate wide and regular grip.
  • Class dismissed.


Carpex Gives Back - Planning committee 7/12 @7:00. Hit up Hi-Liter for info.

Night Train (ruck) - Saturday, 7/13 - 9:15pm check in at train station. See Slack channel for details. (#csaup-night-train)

While Foods 2nd F - today, 5:00pm (corner of 540 and 55)


Praise and Prayers for WWW’s friend and Sour Mash’s uncle as they recover from surgeries, as well as prayers for strength and guidance for work struggles for Sour Mash’s M. Not mentioned at COT, but wanted to also lift up Disco Duck and his family as they mourn the loss of his M’s father.

YHC took us out.

Thanks for a successful launch fellas. Looking forward to many more to come at this AO!

See also