Gorillas in the Gloom

Sitting on the can this morning about the time the Back in Black boys were stepping out of their cars into the gloom, I am not ashamed to admit that a certain thought crossed my mind:

”Why in the hell did I pick today to Q?”

After two months out of the gloom, it’s a bit easy to get soft. Not just muscle soft or calluses soft but mentally soft. Examples? Hitting the snooze a few times too many soft, as YHC did Wednesday. Running six hills instead of seven soft, as YHC did at Ironman at NCMA. Or just preferring starting a workout after sunrise than when a light is still needed soft.

That’s all a long way of saying that it’s a good thing YHC has the Q because it would have been super easy to just stay on the can just a bit longer this morning.


Mosey to the butt statue for GM, SSH, IW, merkins, PJs and MC.

Thang 1:

found a slight incline behind the arts center. 11’s with burpees at the bottom, merkins at the top. Gorilla hops up and mosey down. Let’s just say it was shoulder heavy.

Thang 2:

Stay heading sound to the little pocket park on Kildaire. Dealers choice core exercises while the PAX take turns lunge walking/moseying around said park.

Thang 3:

Mosey back to the water fountain. Triceps. Dips IC 25-15-15-15 with a stop for Dirkins in the middle. Mosey back to the Billy Run line. AYG Lunge Walk back to the start.


don’t remember everything. Freddy Merc’s, L/R Heel Touches, Sloooow Flutters.


5. Prayers for FIL, praises for Pool.

See also