Good to be back on the horse

After a long hiatus, I stepped up to take the Q at Tin 2 Iron. This is one of the newer AO’s since I first joined F3 in the summer of 2019. I took a long break from F3, I could blame COVID but that’s an excuse, really got lost in life but continued to follow the PAX remotely. Many of the men stayed in contact with me and I appreciated that so much. About 6 weeks ago I found the courage to come back out and get better. I realized I needed to move at my own speed, listen more to my body, and be willing to ask for help the most out of F3.

I had my VQ in September 2019 during VQ week. I had been thinking of jumping back on the horse and when @DiscoDuck told me the Q was open for Tin 2 Iron, so I jumped on the sheet. Tin 2 Iron has a lot to offer with bells, a rope, tires, etc. but I kept things simple with some inspiration from the @Intimidator


The PAX arrived just in time to find an FNG, festivities were kicked off at 5:30 AM with disclaimers and a @WWW review of the F3 core principals. The first exercise was the pledge and we were off to mosey towards the front of Cornerstone to kick off this limited run workout.


Only three PAX read the pre-blast that required tank tops in honor of tank top Thursday so 5 penalty burpees were provided. The warm up continued with Side Straddle Hops, Abe Vigoda’s, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (Forward and Reverse), Good Mornings (long count), Standard Merkins, and finished up with a 10 count plank hold around the circle 


Mosey or walk to the Hill for Sevens

-Burpees at the bottom, (6, 5, 4…)

-Bear crawls or lunge walk up the hill,

-Squats at the top of the hill. (1, 2, 3…)


Long mosey or short walk option to the octagon for… 5/10/15’s — Repeato x 5

-5 pullups or 5 merkins near pullup bar

-10 dips or 10 erkins on the octagon

-15 step ups or 15 squats on/near the picnic tables


Count-a-rama:  12

Name-a-rama:  12 with FNG Dr. Suess 


  • Sawgrass (@YHC), Food Drive (@bootlegger), bible studies (@WWW), and Q swap week (@Discoduck) with Southwest Wake (SWW) including a limited run on Saturday with SWW fellas

Prayers / Praises: 

  • Prayers for men of F3 who have family’s struggling with cancer and other battles. 

YHC took us out with a message about taking a quiet moment to all stand and feel the magic of the men we stand next to, the possibility of connection, and the optimism we gain when we know we are all in it together.

Last Message from QIC: Special thank you to all in Carpex. Picking up the six with me. Love you guys

See also