Good Form

15 pax joined me this fine morning for a lesson in good form. YHC had advertised a mentoring or on the job training for our VQs to prepare for their big week next week.

At 5:45:00 we were off. Run to end of parking lot and circle up. Ask pax what we forgot and they correctly identied missing disclaimer and FNG check.  YHC was feeling we were off to a good start!

Warm up:

  • 5 burpees OYO. Hottie Tottie was 15 seconds late. Couldn’t teach good form by letting him slide.
  • 20 x SSH. Because it’s what we start with. Unless we do burpees.
  • 5 x windmills incorrectly counted as turbines. Quickly changed to 5 x properly counted windmills. They got the point.
  • 10 x sir fazio arm circles. Good practice for changing to “make them bigger” and the importance of the recover.
  • 10 x in reverse.
  • 10 x merkins. Learn the use of on my down.

Parker politely recongized YHC’s good form with merkins and the title of the bb was born.

Off up the hill. Squat hold for the 6. Never leave anyone behind.

Thang 1:

Go to basketball court for suicides and balls to the wall. Explain how to manage crowd in small spaces safely. Disco figured out what I was doing before I even called it. Nice job!

Jog to soccer field for …

Thang 2:

If you use the bb time machine you’ll discover YHC called BLIMPS at my VQ and it was a disaster  I called it as poorly today and was promptly met with strong mumblechatter.  After a round of 10 x burpees at the corners using half the field the pax had enough.  The eager VQs were seeing the error of my ways so I gave them an opportunity to showcase their leadership.  Cataracts, Greek Squad, Hotty Toddy, and Gantt Chart led us through the rest of the BLIMPS.  Nice work fellas.  Running low on time we did 20 squats IC to give enough time to learn about Mary.


  • Trike called LBC and American Hammers to practice for his big game on Tuesday.
  • Other pax call some additional Mary.
  • Close out properly with have a nice day.


  • Praise for WWW 2.3 birthday
  • I’m sure there were others
  • YHC took us out.


  • A proper backblast is part of good form and should be done on the day of the workout. Thia entire backblast was written on an iPhone. In a tent. At falls lake.
  • Don’t be afraid to step up and lead. It’s in all of us.
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead this fine group this morning!
  • My thumbs are tired.

See also