Going Down...

A couple things you should know before I start telling you about the workout.  I completed the workout with my M and she approved. Also, I am a fan of christian rap and had this song in my head when planning the work out:  Link  (Lecrae (ft. Trip Lee & Swoope) - Falling Down)


Fast feet and lines - find a line, 10 secs on, 10 sec rest for 4 mins. switching between forward, to the side, and cross over.


Jog to the bridge.

Round 1 - bear crawl 30 step, 10 hand release merkins, jog to transition point, repeat decreasing the merkins until you get to 1

Round 2 - 10 Lunges (L and R is 1), 10 tuck jumps, jog to transition point, repeat decreasing the lunges until you get to 1

Jog back to the parking lot

Round 3 - 10 rock squats, 5 burpees jumping over your rock each time, repeat decreasing the squats until you get to 5

Jog back to the flag


low slow flutters, scissors, heels to the sky, hammers, LBCs, reverse LBCs… for 5 mins

COT Announcements – sign up for Cookout- May 6 convergence with Churham at Phoenix- May 6 Prayers – Mufasa’s M is pregnant, praise!, Callahan asked for prayer for a tough week (sorry for the jokes about your twitters conflicts with Riptide. I’ll definitely be praying for you!)

YHC took us out and was reminder about our blessings to be able to work out but also the our spiritual needs are greater than our physical ones. Thankful for the hope and joy found in Jesus Christ.

Thanks for everyone who came out and pushed themselves!


  • My kid claims this is his favorite bridge and tells us every time he sees it.
  • Not sure I’ll repeat the fast feet warm up.
  • Impressed by Term Paper’s EC that included the Cary Parkway hill?

See also