Gobblin' Tabatas

0530 with one PAX who will remain nameless skating in just in time. YHC reminded everyone this is a weighted workout so be careful with form, and don’t hurt yourself. Started with a parking lot mosey followed by the pledge of allegiance.


  • Good Mornings
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sir Fazio Fwd
  • Seal Clap
  • Sir Fazio Reverse
  • Runners stretch
  • Pigeon Stretch
  • 10 standard merkins
  • 5 McKenzie Merkins (Upward Dog)

Thang 1: Kettle Bell Tabatas

  • 15 count of KB swings immediately followed by KB merkins x 4
  • 10 count KB squat and press followed by mountain climbers x 4
  • 8 count KB curls followed by tricep extensions x 4

Thang 2: Battle Rope Team Crawls and Circle of Death

  • Split into Two Groups - Transition once everyone has done burpees on the Yahoo Gobble.
  • Group 1: Crawl Bear while dragging battle rope as a team downhill. Bear crawl as a team back pushing the battle rope. Repeato. The crawl bear ending up being to hard to manage so we just did bear crawling.
  • Group 2: One PAX does 5 slam ball burpees while the other PAX step through a 20 count of the following exercises in cadence with bells: Shoulder Press, Goblet Squats, Rows and Homer to Marge in Cadence as Team

Thang 3: Pain Stations

  • Split into 4 groups for Pain Stations. Switch on Yahoo Gobble (about 90 seconds)
  • Pullups
  • Derkins on Cinder Blocks
  • Step-Ups with Bell
  • Two Handed KB Swings


  • American Hammers
  • Homer to Marge
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • WW2’s
  • Some Broga

COR - 15 / 1 Hate, 2 Respects

Announcements: Convergence on Thanksgiving Day at Bradford’s Ordinary.

Prayers/Praises: Prayer for Yahoo’s co-worker fighting cancer. Reiterating prayers from Slack. Praise for Joker’s new M.

YHC took us out. Yahoo kindly brought coffee again. Fact: Yahoo’s coffee is good, but not as good as his Hokie Gobble.

See also