Go West

The Slack- and Twitter-spheres were abuzz for the first 75% of yesterday which led to a steep dropoff - all pointing to some unproblematic numbers for the 5th of July. Our suspicions were confirmed!

FNG Check - Mission Statement - LET’S GO

Run out to Evans and hang a left. Pause at the corner for Good Mornings, then turn onto Apex Barbeque back into the park for warmups consisting of IW / SM / CS / SFAC,OC,rSFAC,MN / CP. Follow me back to the shelter.

Partner up! Partner 1 runs a lap around the small tennis court enclosure while Partner 2 works on a combined 100 each of Prisoner Squats, ALRSU, and Sumo Squats. Close it out together with 10 Sumo Squats OMD.

Mosey over to the small tennis court for an escalating/deescalating four corners. Corner 1 gets 2 reps, Corner 2 gets 4 reps, Corner 3 gets 6 reps, Corner 4 gets 8 reps. So we go 2-4-2-4-6-4-2-4-6-8-6-4-2 around the corners. The exercise is Turkish Getups, and we do high knees to get between the corners. Close it out by doing the final 2 TGs together.

Onward to the big tennis court area! Same thing, except the exercise is Merkins, and we just run between the corners. We had time, so we audibled a round of 2-4-6-8-10 to end up at corner 1. 10 more SM together, and the mosey back to the flag.

Circle up on your 6 - and with 6 PAX, each called 15 of a Mary:
Qwerty - AH
Rooney - DC
HT - H2M
Roasters - Boxcutters
Madoff - LBC
Imp - PJ


COR/NOR - 7 meh

TCP Sawgrass - 7/7
HFT Launch - 7/11

Prayer Requests
Rooney as Open Houses and school stuff heats up
YHC took us out.

Usually we need to wait until the winter for these types of small groups, but this one makes sense time-wise. A single digit PAX workout never disappoints, and three of our AOs were in that zone (4 @ DZ, 8 @ GT, 10 @ SWW). It’s easy to focus on big turnouts when we’ve been growing like we have, but the faithful few that post day after day, holding it down when a ton of us are DR, y’all are the heartbeat. We kept it alive today.

Props to Madoff for coming out for his 2nd post in 2 days. You’ll be at Krypto before you know it!

This is the western-most AO across Carpex. I live east of the eastern-most AOs in Carpex, so it takes a lot to get me out to Dante’s. I fear this may have been my 2019 swansong at DP since I’ve posted, met an FNG here, and Q’d it - so probably see you next year.

Bon weekend y’all, see you tomorrow at Phoenix.

See also