Go Braves

Started off with Pledge of Allegiance

Welcome new FNG Nate

Turned on the Tunes to a Get the Led Out playlist.  Hermes was not amused and requested some of the new and trendier Boy Bands. Out of luck


  • Good mornings 10
  • Side Straddle Hop 15
  • Hillbillies               15
  • Fazio Arm Circles 10 each direction
  • Air Squats 15
  • Runners Stretch – 10 count each side
  • Squat hold- 10 count
  • Merkins-12

Thang 1

Partner up for a Dora

100 Merkins

200 LBCs

300 Step Ups

Thang 2

Decided to do a BLIMPish workout called BRAVES. Perfect timing to call this since their playoff runs tend to be brutish, nasty and short. Was going to do all exercises in increments of 5 but due to their 9th inning loss the night before we did increments of 10 instead.

Run around pickle each after each exercise

Burpees 10

Reverse Lunge 20

Alternating shoulder taps  30

V Up 40

Elbow to Knee 50 (Should have told everyone to wear their elbow pads)

Squats 60

Hmm. Still 10 minutes left so did 100 yard sprints, backwards run, and Karaoke


Homer to Marge 15

Freddie Mercury 15

Box Cutter 12

Big Boy Sit Ups 12

Have a Nice Day

Countarama – 22

Welcome FNG Full House.  Hard to believe that this was the same creative group that came up with Boy named Sue…



Autism Run Oct 12th on Running Channel


Stauback asked for prayers to keep son safe on school travel to Florida

YHC took us out

See also