Gloves? We don't need no stinking gloves

Do you trust YHC? True, he is sweaty, in a $3 tank top from Eagles at Oak Island, talking about kitty kilometers.  Sure, maybe he needs a haircut and is lacking is now famous hair gel.  But still, has YHC ever led you wrong?  And so, when he says “you don’t need your gloves,” do you trust him?  Well, the only way to find out is to sweat, squat, partner carry, and Dora through 45 minutes to find out.

And sweat we did.  For you social media savvy PAX, YHC is pretty sure he saw a picture of sweat shadows post-COT.  Nothing like mid-October soupy gloom, TTT, and legs for days.

So yes, no gloves necessary.  That’s what a Q with a pulled rhomboid will get you.  And so 22 men worked their scrawny little chicken legs into meaty man stumps.  Sure, YHC through his patent Warmup Merkins in.  How could he not?  Otherwise, those soft, computer caressing hands got the day off.

Warmup: Jog the long way around the block to the bank.  SSH, Standard Merkin, Freddie Mercuries, Squats.

Thang: Run to the parking deck, lunge walk a level, broad jump a level (where Half becomes Whole-y Cow), Side-Step Defensive Drill (or whatever the hell that’s called) up to the top.  Partner up and partner carry to the end of the deck, jog back and flapjack.  Partner Dora with partner 1 heading down and up the stairs, partner 2 starting the team’s 100 superman pulses, 200 LBCs, 300 squats.  Since YHC takes requests, Odyssey clean up time: pain sticks from the top level to the Gloomy Pit of Storage. Freddie Mercuries until the six returns, another set of partner carry, and then an all out dash to the Billy Run line, where, well, we Billy Ran.  Close it out with Homer to Marge (the weekend’s coming, boys) and a 60-second Have a Nice Day.

Like the others who avoided the fartsack and made it to TTT, YHC sweated.  YHC sweated so hard, it was like a darkness washed over him.  Darker than a black steer’s tuckus on a moonless prairie night.  And so it took 24 hours for this backblast to be written (quite out of the ordinary for YHC), and it caused YHC to lose the 22 names of those who were there.  I’ll work on that.