Gloves optional, Shoes required

13 HIMs (most of them with shoes) met for a high-tempo beatdown at the Koka Booth Amphitheater.  A handful of the pax had just spent an awesome weekend camping with the 2.0’s at Hanging Rock State Park and had some extra calories to burn off.  After brief mumblechatter and confirming all Pax had shoes, we set out….

Quick jog around the lot to pick up last arrival and avoid penalty Burpees, then across Regency for some Warm-arama:

  • 25 SSH’s
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 slow-count Good Mornings
  • Lizard pose for 10-count, switcheroo for another 10-count
  • Calf-Stretch Merkins in cadence, 5 per calf

Thang 1:  Partner up!  Speed kinda matters, size doesn’t.

  • Catch-me-if-you-can with two World’s Worst Merkins all the way to Ritter Park
    • For a few minutes, I was convinced @Chanticleer thought the objective was to actually NOT get caught
  • At the park, Group 1 hit the Pull-Up bars and other equipment for Pull-ups and Rows
  • Group 2 ran to the large shelter for 20 dips OYO and return
  • Switcheroo for three sets
    • @Blue Water knocked out 60 Pull-Ups total!!!!!!!

Thang 2:  The brutal return:  Pax in two lines for a scout run to the bottom of the hill on Ederlee

  • Group 1 did five Burpees and headed up the hill
  • Group 2 held a plank hold until group 1 was off, then hit five Burpees and followed
  • At the top, all pax completed five World’s Worst Merkins and paused for a 10-count
  • Cross the street, and then another five Burpees followed by a run downhill and to the flag
  • After some discussion on the Burpee count, we cranked out another 10 OYO to wrap up the workout

Total distance covered was 3.2 miles.


  • Crazy Train (aka @Hermes and @Old Maid go for a run) on Saturday, train leaves Cary just after 8:00am

Prayer Requests & Praises:

  • None

See also