Gloomiest Cinder Blocks!

(CMU’s - Apparently)

19 Met at the Gloomiest AO in all Cary this morning (1/7/19) for a workout, and they were not disappointed. Snots, Ollie and YHC met at 0445 for some extra credit intervals and worked different paces over at the Davis Drive Middle School track. The intervals are always tough, yet rewarding and today was no different.

As the pax were arriving in to parking lot, whoa, wait, who’s that? We have an FNG! Who brought him? NO ONE. He’s been lurking around watching us workout for a few weeks and thought we were firefighters or something (not kidding.) Apparently one day we managed to pass him during a run and one of the pax asked him to join us. He looked on the web and found us! After introducing myself and giving him the briefing, it’s time to roll!

Pledge of Allegiance follow by two warm up laps around the pickle, then circle up:

  • 25 SSH
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • Runner Stretch each side
  • Calf Stretch with 10 Merkins OMD each side

YHC then opened the tailgate on my truck to reveal…..Cinder Blocks! And there was much rejoicing! Partner up, one block per pair, and head over to the playground.

Partner 1 runs the big 0.4-mile trail while partner 2 does exercises at the playground, then switch. All exercises are AMRAP.

  • Lap 1: Rock your Body
  • Lap 2: Pull-Ups and Worst Merkins Ever
  • Lap 3: Block Rows and Kettle Bell Swings
  • Lap 4: Curls and Overhead Press

After the 4th lap, we’re about out of time and head back to the lot, drop off the blocks and circle up for:

  • 20 WWII’s
  • 20 4-count American Hammers
  • Have a Nice Day!

Our FNG’s name is Adam Silver, and owns the Adam Silver URL and Twitter Accounts. He’s constantly berated and receives tons of hate through these outlets, but gets a chuckle of it. Hence, he is named…..“The Commish.” (If you’re not sports inclined, much like YHC, you have no idea what the fuss is about. I’’ll explain. Adam Silver is apparently the commissioner of the NBA.) Welcome “The Commish!!” Glad you quit stalking and joined us!!


  • Krispy Kreme Challenge
  • Tobacco Trail Half and Full Marathon
  • BRR Sign Up
  • Q-Source

Prayers / Prayers:

  • Prayers for Swag’s Wife, surgery scheduled for Tuesday 1/8/19 at 1:00pm

YHC intended to read a quote, but got all wrapped up in the moment and forgot. Q-Drenaline is a real thing!

See also