Gloom over Claymore

After being teased a bit with amazing spring weather, today was a day to test the PAX. Frankly we all failed as Carpex sites were poorly attended this cool rainy morning. Comfort won today hopefully lessons were learned… we’ll see.

Here’s what went down for the stalwarts at Claymore today who decided to accelerate:

Welcome, Mission of F3, & Pledge of Allegiance, begin warm-up with mosey to tennis courts.

Classic warm-up, good mornings, windmills, fazios/overheads/seals (gonna work shoulders today), merkins, mountain climbers… lap around the courts to thang 1:
Tabata cycles: run in place, merkins, sumo squats, mountain climbers – mosey around again for thang 2:
Modified Jack-Webb: Bearcrawl across the court, 1 CDD, 40 Alleluias, bearcrawl back for 2 CDD’s, 36 Alleluias, repeat until we get to 10 CDD’s and 4 Alleluias – PAX’s shoulders will be building up as they sleep tonight!
Wrapped up with some Mary & CoT – all that & we didn’t even cover 1 mile!
Announcements: 2 pm every other Sunday C.P. lawn care kicks off – great community service (F3) and visit to Woody’s after (F2). Tuesday night bible study at Intimidator’s house – ping him, Bootlegger, or Dirty Bomb. Men running the MTS event this weekend need volunteers to man aid stations and for pacers – hit up Squatter on DM.

P&P: Crimson’s nephew fighting for his life at Sloan Kettering in NYC, Pickles for a big challenge at work, & our boy PetSounds for a speedy recovery.

NMS: I enjoyed the small group – we worked hard & cheered each other on – Tabata Merkins are no joke. Sincere thank you men!

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