Getting ready for Speedo season

Fifteen PAX gathered in the ever-brightening gloom at Carpex’s oldest AO this morning. Based on his job gallivanting across Europe, YHC decided some extra core and lower body work was needed to get the PAX ready for the Speedos they will obviously be wearing at the beaches this summer in the European style.

After some Burt mumble chatter about the Nan’tan’s lack of knowledge about Apalachicola oysters, the PAX set off on a customary opening jog around the pickle and a brief standard suite of warm up exercises along with 10 penalty burpees for a tardy Smoky. Partnered up (always good with odd numbers) and jogged over to the basketball court. Partner 1 did Australian mountain climbers while Partner 2 ran around the pickle (Flapjack). (It should be noted that a random guy was shooting hoops on the other end of the court since 5:30. He wisely ignored us.)

Head into the woods for the main Thang. YHC took a little time to put together a graphic display of the workout (which makes more sense than trying to explain in text). However, after spending too long trying unsuccessfully to figure out how to embed an image in the Backblast narrative, he gave up. So,

  1. Ran to the northeast corner of the big field. Stop for 30 squats. Burt mumble chatter about asses in swimsuits.
  2. Ran to first bridge. 30 plank leg thrusts. Partner 1: Bear crawl across bridge, 15 Merkins, run back. Partner 2: Dying cockroaches. Flapjack. Burt mumble chatter about sagging breasts.
  3. Ran to overlook. Partner 1: Run up stairs, 15 Merkins, run back. Partner 2: Marching Chilcutts. Flapjack. Partner 1: Run up hill, 15 star jumps, run back. Partner 2: LBCs Flapjack. Burt mumble chatter about overreaching power of Nan’tan.
  4. Up the stairs and pause for some Irkins, Derkins, and Dips
  5. Ran to the second bridge. Partner 1: Lunge walk across bridge, 15 star jumps, run back. Partner 2: American Hammers. Flapjack. Burt mumble chatter about YHC needing to go back to Europe
  6. Ran back up to the parking lot. Burt stopped to pet a dog.
  7. Basketball court still occupied, so modified with suicides in the parking lot.

Finished up on the Smurf turf for Freddy Mercuries and Low Slow Flutters. COT started promptly at 6:28 AM. YHC likes to be on time like those German trains.

See also