Getting FAT w/ Red Baron aka Eagle One

With Eagle One in town, you know him as F3 Red Baron (but truth be told he will always be Dad), I had to ask the QIC’s for this day if YHC could steal a spot. Tclaps to Red Ryder for stepping aside. Brother, I owe you one.

So, with Red Baron sitting shot-gun to Wolverine we went.

Pax huddled up, with an FNG on-hand and a stellar disclaimer, we were off.

Head over to the other lot and circle up for warm-ups of GM, SSH, Sir Fazio, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Sir Fazios and Merkins. A round of quick feet and curb merkins at 10 and 15.

The Thang:

The message on this day is lifted from Red Baron, who as an Air Force commander coined the acronym F.A.T.

F = Focus – pax must remain focused as we do moving curb quick feet x3, moving curb crawls x3 (pax in a line working their way down the curb for 3 rotations)

A = Attitude (a good positive can-do attitude) – no other exercise requires a better attitude than balls to the wall. In between sets the pax sprint the court back and forth. We’re on that wall for 4 rounds. After a quick round of intermittent abs, we’re across the park and over to the field to grab a rock for…

T = Teamwork – with your partner rock merkins to catch me if you can. After 3 rounds of that it’s 3 rounds of rock your body while your partner runs the lot backwards.

Hear more about the genesis of F.A.T. here –>

Mary: LBC, Hello Dolly, Dying Cockroaches

Announcements: The Raleigh Mule (CSAUP) is March 9th

Prayers were lifted up and YHC took us out


Welcome FNG, Ham Sandwich. We did it, fellas!!!

It’s not every day you get to Q with your real-life hero in town (well except for when Frisco Q’s and Disco Duck is among the pax), but in all seriousness it was awesome to lead you men with one of the best leaders I’ve ever known there with us. He busted it today. Q-Source was on point, to boot. Attack the week with an enthusiasm unknown to man. – Kitty

See also