Get that dart rate up

I don’t Q often (this is something I should work on), but when I do Q a workout, it will be unique and out of the ordinary. Today was no exception. I wasn’t sure how this would be received by the PAX, but I didn’t care. If the PAX want to complain about the workout, that is music to my ears. If they want to have an easy workout, they can Q their own.

Last night I pre-blasted my own workout. I like to self pre-blast since I know what I have planned. I can market my workout to make people curious/interested vs. the standard pre-blast that a site Q may send out. In the pre-blast, I mentioned that we would be playing a game and that you had to show up to know what was in store. 2 PAX told me that they were curious what this meant and posted out of curiosity. They might not have posted or went elsewhere. There were some “non-regulars” that came out to Tortoises

15 guys joined me on this wonderful Wednesday

Regardless if there is an FNG or not, I start my workouts by talking about DICCS, then rolled into the pledge of allegiance

Disclaimer - I am not a professional / you are out here on your own / you can’t sue me, F3, the church / etc.

I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency) - make sure you have an emergency contact (in Slack profile, Road ID, etc) - I don’t know most of the guys first names, much less their spouse’s name or how to get a hold of them if there was an emergency

CPR - raise your hand if you’re certified. This is a skill that everybody should know and hopefully never use.

Cellphone - If you have your phone on you, raise your hand. I was using mine for timing / music. This is more important for workouts that travel from the parking lot. I have been in a workout where we left the parking lot and one of the PAX got hit by a car and broke his leg. With a cellphone on hand, we didn’t have to run back the parking lot. We called the paramedics from the scene. Time is important in an emergency situation

Safety - Modify as needed / push yourself but don’t hurt yourself / use good form / if you’re leaving the parking lot (N/A for this workout), wear reflective clothing, pay attention to traffic, pick up the 6, watch out for each other


Take a lap around the pickle

Good mornings

Side straddle hops

Sir Fazio arm circles (Forward and Reverse)

Mosey to the front of the church for the Thang


On a light pole in front of the church, there is a magnetic dartboard hanging. The PAX throws 3 darts each and then we perform the exercises depending where the darts landed on the board. If the dart lands in the black or white areas, perform the exercises below. If the dart lands in the red or green areas, perform DOUBLE the exercises below

110 low slow squats
220 plank jacks
340 calf raises
410 alternating shoulder taps
530 carolina dry docks
620 lbc (in cadence)
710 toy soldiers (each leg)
820 donkey kicks
920 hand release merkins
1020 jump squats
1120 american hammers (in cadence)
1250 air presses (in squat position)
1315 lunges (each leg)
1420 star jumps
1530 second bear hold
1620 ww1 situps
1715 ranger merkins
1815 side straddle hops (in cadence)
1930 second chill cut
2020 monkey humpers
Bullseye (Green)10 count rest
Bullseye (Red)20 count rest
*If you miss the board, or the dart does NOT stick - 5 burpee penalty


I didn’t stop to focus on abs specifically, since there were ab exercises throughout the workout


  • TCP Sawgrass
  • F3 Carpex night at Holly Springs Salamanders 7/28 at 7pm
  • F3 Dads
  • Check Slack for dates, times, more announcements

Prayers / praises

  • Continued prayers for Pet Sounds
  • Prayers for everybody in various transitions
  • All the unspoken requests

Naked Moleskin

  • Welcome FNG - The Broker! He is a realtor who was EH’ed by The Joker, who conveniently Rick Rolled him. They had discussed the workout 15 hours before the workout started. The Joker must have been too busy being a midnight toker to show up.

  • Bolton and Chewie wanted to challenge the PAX, by intentionally throwing their darts in the grass. These burpee penalties got mixed reviews from the PAX.
  • Hobbit was so looking forward to the workout, he confessed after the beatdown (and coffeeteria) that his shirt was on inside out.
  • Good work to all the PAX today. The mublechatter was on point. Everybody left sweaty and got their money’s worth. It was a pleasure to lead you this morning
  • Thanks to Kermit for taking us out today

See also